Why Does'nt The Nose Wheel Turn for Taxi on The SOH B-26?

casey jones

Charter Member
I was trying to taxi the SOH B-26 and the nose wheel will not turn it appears impossible to
taxi the plane. I then looked on You Tube how to run up and taxi the B-26 Invader, watching
the run up and taxi I saw the nose wheel turn and plane taxied out and then with its nose
wheel turning. There appears to be no way one can taxi the SOH B-26B/C..it just travels
in a straight line....I hope someone can resolve this for me, maybe I am missing something?
the excellent SOH B-26B/C has been around for sometime now and I think it is a great and
detailed reproduction. I just want to fly it and taxi it too.


I believe the aircraft is set for the differential braking to steer .. check under the ..contact points..of the aircraft config, as
usually you will find an optional ..point 0.. line to swap out, the optional line will give you nose gear steering I believe.

t creed

Look in the aircraft.cfg under Contact Points.

You may see something like this:

//No pedals?//Want rudder control? //Remove slashes from next line; put slashes before the following one.

//point.0 = 1, 10.85, 0, -8.033, 1600, 0, 1.504, 40, 0.248, 2.5, 0.9, 3, 3, 0, 140.8, 235.84

point.0 = 1, 10.85, 0, -8.033, 1600, 0, 1.504, 180, 0.248, 2.5, 0.9, 3, 3, 0, 140.8, 235.84

If you do not have this. just change the 180 to 40.
That converts the nose gear from "castoring" to "steerable".
Also check if you have steering tiller set up. That can prevent tuning while taxiing on certain ac as well.