Why I Hate Santa Claus


From my son:

Santa Claus is a chubby old man who sneaks around inside our house in the middle of the night.
My parents make me leave some of my best cookies for him.
He has never EVER left a present for me or anyone in my family. All of our presents under the Christmas Tree have tags that say they are from Mom, Dad, Grandma, Relatives or Friends. Never EVER has there been a present with a label saying it was from Santa.
The only thing Santa has ever left for me has been a note telling me to do my school work and study harder and telling me our house is messy and to clean up my toys because he almost tripped over my stuff in the living room. I personally believe that if Santa cut the cookies from his diet, he could fit through tight spaces better.

....and that is why I hate Santa Claus.