• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

    We just posted part one of the how to on uploading new files to the Library. Part 1 covers adding new files. Part 2 will cover making changes to your the uploads you own.

    Questions or comments please post them in the regular forums. Which forum is that... Well it is the one you spend the most time in.

    Thanks the Staff

    Library How to

Why I'll (likely) switch to MSF2024.

I'm *really* curious if they'll support side-by-side installs of both versions; and if there will be any reason to do so. The only reason I could think of would be if there was a cool plane that wasn't compatible because it hasn't been updated in forever (such as the Boeing 247) and had custom systems that break.

I'll likely just go all-in and switch over to 2024, unless they really miss the ball somewhere on FS2020 add-on compatibility. (Still remember the nightmare of people claiming FS9 stuff was "FSX compatible" when it was a total mess in the new sim.) But with their marketplace plan of supporting 2020 stuff, I think there's a lot more focus on not breaking things than there was back in the "early 21st century." :)
They tipped their hand a little, but they ensured plane develepors it takes +/- one hour to update plane to the new flight materials
I have P3D on 1 SSD, MSFS 2020 on another.
I'll remove the P3D as I haven't flown it for a couple of years, then probably load 2024 on that SSD so initially I can fly either MSFS version.
I will buy it if:

1. Taildragger native flightmodels will be 100% true of live. Especially during taxing, take off and landing
2. Glider flightmodels will be 100% accurate. Especially control coordination.
3. Thermals will be generated true to live. Depending on atmospheric conditions, terrain, weather and time of day.
4. No more attention to eye candy
yeah - they've given me no reason to stay away. I expect it wont be terrific for a few months after release while things get sorted out, but that should be baked in to everyone's expectations by now, and I'd rather have the experience of rolling with the punches
than wait those months. This way I'll already be familiar with the settings, controls, and the tribal knowledge that takes time to acquire, so I can appreciate the good stuff immediately it comes down the pike.
i will as well, if for nothing else, the airtanker ops and the crop dusting, the two things ive dreamed of since i first started this hobby
I hope that there isn't a couple of dozen critical updates to progress through. ASOBO missed out on a couple of critical items, a real pause, a convenient instant replay and carrier ops (moving laudable ships).
I will be buying FS2024 for sure, but run it side-byside with FS2020 for a while.

That way I can enjoy flying in a sim, while participating in the rollercoaster of new release bugs with a new flight simulator (you know that's gonna happen ;) )
MSFS is totally and utterly amazing, no doubt about it. There's still *one* thing i totally and utterly hate about it : no easy one click FLY-BY camera ! :banghead::a1089::angryfire::violent-smiley-031:
I will never understand why we have put up with this disgraze for 4 years !! (i know i am certainly not the only one that thoroughly misses it !)

If, by any chance, MSAsobo thinks that MSFS24 can do without that most spectacular camera option again i won't be touching it with a barge pole, forget about flight simulation all together and take up basketry, pottery or bonsai cultivating. If, by any chance, i find the results heavely disappointed again atleast i can blame that on myself !


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I agree that we have to have a "Fly-by" view along with a calculated "touch down point" at the runway's threshold area based on rate of descent and speed, and a "tower view"!
How many lines of code would it take to get that back into the sim? Grrrrrr ......

- Don
I agree that we have to have a "Fly-by" view along with a calculated "touch down point" at the runway's threshold area based on rate of descent and speed, and a "tower view"!
How many lines of code would it take to get that back into the sim? Grrrrrr ......

- Don
As I said in another post, I completely concur with this point of view!

My first reaction to most new simulators is "show me" (like people from Missouri...the "show me" state). I'm typically able to restrain myself for about one month and then all the contributors on Sim Outhouse convince me that the new simulator is the greatest thing since sliced bread. MSFS2020 has a few shortcomings, but it is still very nice. I'll likely hold off again until you all talk about the greatness of MSFS2024 and then I'll buy (always have to have the shiny new toy....).

(I do hope all MSFS2020 add-ons work in MSFS2024. That would go a long way to helping me with a purchase decision.)
Two-three months ago I remember Asobo/Microsoft mentioning, with regard to MSFS 2020 aircraft being brought into MSFS 2024, that there are some new flight dynamic parameters to be added, but which should take less than an hour for any developer to add. They made it sound like that would be the only change that developers would need to do in order to make a MSFS 2020 aircraft fully compliant with MSFS 2024.
Dumb question, in fsx the aircraft.cfg files were modifiable and could tweak add cameras, can you still do that?