casey jones
Charter Member
I have a FS98 model of the Boeing 299A, it was and still is a very good FS98 model...why not a Boeing 299A for FS9/FSX? I was TDY to Wright Field Ohio years ago I was allowed to copy as many photographs of the 299A I could. My best and favorite is the 299A parked on the concret tarmac at Wright Field August 1935 (the compass rose) Wright did not have paved runways in 1935, just grass. I was allowed to walk out to the spot where the 299A crashed on October 30, 1935, no grass grows there to this day, I have a picture of this impact taken just an hour after the crash happened. I know that Mr Clawson has made a Y1-B17 for FS8....these were modified 299As the Army bought 13 of them to keep Boeing from going under.