Why Purchase Steve's Scenery Fixer? Take a look! Seriously.


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Background. I grabbed Steve's Scenery Fixer as part of my move over to DX10. It made life so much easier and there are some really fantastic extras that came with it too. But what Steve was able to do for me really grabbed my attention.

Not long after I also grabbed Eaglesoft's Hawker 400 XP and was really liking it alot as it is a good system sim for the XP however the FMC is not quite there. Having said that, I was really bummed out when I saw this on my first night flight. (I should have read better. Eaglesoft made no bones about it, stating in their FAQ that the Hawker 400 was NOT and IS NOT DX10 Compliant. That is huge because...

Now look at this!! Almost there. Steve worked with me over at his official site on another Sim Site.

Now look at this! Keep in mind. The Eaglesoft Hawker 400 XP IS NOT DX10 Compliant or certified as such. But...

Looks like it is now. Steve helped me get this working. All it takes is to simply take the Legacy Shader and move it full right! I am still testing it but check that out! It works! Not only does it work, but it gave the VC a face lift too! Steve's Scenery Fixer is powerful to say the least.
ATTN PJ!!! I wont be writing the how to....

Hey Paul, I won't be writing that "How to Switch to DX9 and Back to DX10" manual after all. I wont need to! (Sorry Bud) LOL :a1310: :adoration:
Hey Paul, I won't be writing that "How to Switch to DX9 and Back to DX10" manual after all. I wont need to! (Sorry Bud) LOL :a1310: :adoration:

Switch back to ?? Are you saying that there's something other than our Flight Simulator Eleven, (FSX+DX10 = FS-XI) that I might switch back to? :cool:

All it takes is to simply take the Legacy Shader and move it full right!
Hmmmm... I wouldn't admit that I had to ask Steve to show me how to move the legact slider to the right..... :adoration:

All the best,


Switch back to ?? Are you saying that there's something other than our Flight Simulator Eleven, (FSX+DX10 = FS-XI) that I might switch back to? :cool:

and... Hmmmm... I wouldn't admit that I had to ask Steve to show me how to move the legact slider to the right..... :adoration:

All the best,



HILARIOUS!!! You got me there! :biggrin-new:
Hey, Jet; - It's great that we can have a laugh or two at this stoopid hobby of ours: we take it so seriously at times. I'm glad you found the solution, as the 400 is one of my favourite aircraft (I think I had it in X-Plane a few years back).

All the Best, :encouragement:

Hey, Jet; - It's great that we can have a laugh or two at this stoopid hobby of ours: we take it so seriously at times. I'm glad you found the solution, as the 400 is one of my favourite aircraft (I think I had it in X-Plane a few years back).

All the Best, :encouragement:


Oh ya! Agreed!! May need some tweaking yet. I got slow going into Orlando. Steve was saying that legacy scenery will slow me down. This aircraft requires full right on that shader. Around Atlanta, I have no troubles.
If I may chime in here ...

The nature of these forums is that we tend to mainly post when we have problems. It always gives you that warm fuzzy feeling when you hear a success story!

I remember having to run some other utility to make my aircraft DX10 compatible - and it didn't work half the time. Steve's Fixer has a much higher "hit-rate" with respect to legacy aircraft and cures all sorts of other problems as it goes.

I'm a real candidate for "I really must prune my aircraft hangar" - and have far too many legacy aircraft installed than I really should, but I've lost count of how many aircraft were "rescued" from the scrap yard by the Fixer.
