Why Why Why?????



Why is it that when I'm running FS9 some airplanes load with the wrong sound-set or the wrong panel. It's been happening to me for the last 4 years, and gets rather irritating. Usually when the wrong engine sounds are loaded, it's from the last plane flown or displayed. And when the wrong panel is displayed, it usually comes without gauges.:kilroy:

This doesn't happen every time I fly a plane, but my solution has always been to load another airplane or restart FS9 entirely. Is there a remidy for this madness, or I'm I just going insane.
Once you start a flight in FS9 the sim loads all of the data associated with that plane. If you switch planes later on FS9 does not change all the data assigned to the plane you are flying. This is a know bug that really can not be cured. Normally I would say that the sounds and panels should change to the new plane. What may not change is auto pilot settings, engine settings, control surface settings and things like that.

It would seem you have an extreme version of this bug.

The cure for it is to stop the flight to load a new plane and the best cure may be to just start FS9 over.

Normally I don't see the effects of this bug unless I have changed planes a lot.

Where I would normally see these problems would be if I switched from a plane that I was using the Auto pilot to one that does not have one. In those cases the auto pilot was locked to the last settings I had it on and I could not change them even with the button commands I have mapped to auto pilot.
When this happen to me it usually because the latest plane has an issue with the sound or panel folder so it seems to just pick up with the last thing I used. Once I correct the problem and reload, everything is OK. :wavey:

Same as LouP here, check there are no issues with the sound & panel folders for said planes.
Also see if certain aircraft do this and no others. Then open up those aircraft CFGs and check under each version's [fltsim.x] for a valid "sound=". Then check that sound folder's notepad configuration file to confirm it is what it should be. When this happened to me I found that the sound folder was aliased to an aircraft I no longer had and when it loaded I guess the system substituted a default sound set or kept the one from the previous aircraft.