Widescreen 2D panel


Charter Member
Sometimes just flying using the 2D panel is nice except when it's all stretched out. So I'm wondering if there's an easy way to convert it to look good on a WS.

One way is to move the sides in while in the sim but I didn't see any way to save except saving a flight. I thought of putting new numbers in the panel cfg (I've worked on them previously) but didn't see where to do it.

Any ideas would be appreciated.
My favorite way of dealing with this problem is to modify the panel bitmap, then change the window size in the panel config.

I'm no graphic artist and all I have is the MS Paint program that came preinstalled on my computer, but it is enough to let me cut and paste.

In some cases you can get away with just trimming off some of the top or bottom of the bitmap (adjusting the height of the gauges if necessary).

If that doesn't seem feasable you can add to the width. I've done this on some tubeliner panels by copying a piece of the left edge of the bitmap, flipping it and sticking it onto the right side of the image.

Since I use the vc whenever possible there are (thankfully) only a few planes that I've really needed to do this for. Some of 'my' panels look a little rough, but some have actually turned out fairly well.

Of coarse whenever I can I use a panel created by someone who has more talent than I. If you look around you can find a few widescreen panels, more coming all the time.