Widowmaker's Camel kills Jasta 12



Just thought I would post these shot's, to thank Olham54 for the great Skin he made for me!...thanks m8!
Vott??? And der first ssink to do vizz it, is destroyink der Albatros???
You vait, I vill repair my plane (see my thread: Just saved my naked life), and zen I vill come over zere! Crumpet!!!

[PS: how many did you get?]
Yeah, I thought that was a bit OFF too. But then what was he supposed to do with it, frame it and hang it on the wall? :icon_lol:
Vott??? And der first ssink to do vizz it, is destroyink der Albatros???
You vait, I vill repair my plane (see my thread: Just saved my naked life), and zen I vill come over zere! Crumpet!!!

[PS: how many did you get?]

I got three!.. MUhahahahahahahahhahah

(just a quick flight though...to take some screenies!!)
Widowmaker - you've taken your German tablets again?!
Gee - this forum is so much fun. And you're right, Siggi - what have I expected...
So, you got three?
But, Widowmaker and Siggi: could it be, that everything is a bit less difficult in Quick flight?
I just had that Campaign flight, described in "Just saved my naked Life", and somehow it seemed, that the opponents performed more dangerous, while my plane felt more humble? Well, maybe, it was the stress... Perhaps they were aces? (Should have switched the labes on, for a quick check...)
I think it is 'generally accepted' that the campaign AI is better than QC.... but, like you say..perhaps we are more cautious in campaign, due to the fear of losing a good pilot? (Like I just did!...still, I guess captured in March 1918, and spending the rest of the war as a POW doesn't sound too bad!)
I've found Albatrosses in campaign to be pretty much the same as in QC, or at least not noticed any difference that jumped out at me. Same maneouvers while under attack (turn and climb in general). The difference in campaign is the numbers might be more uneven, leading to more of them coming after you the player and giving the impression they're more dangerous.

It's rather hard to tell to be honest.
I've found Albatrosses in campaign to be pretty much the same as in QC, or at least not noticed any difference that jumped out at me.

I agree that the AI's ACM is pretty much the same in QC and the campaign (unless in the campaign you run into Bloody April's version of Jasta 11, or Voss in a Dr.I, which I think are WAY beyond QC's generic "ace" parameters.....). However, I think the campaign AI does a better job of SA and multi-friendly tactics than the QC AI. In QC, you can usually (but not always) fixate on 1 enemy at a time and fight him until you win, then go to the next enemy, repeat. In the campaign, this doing things this way will get you shot in the back about 5 seconds into the fight.

You simply can't ignore any of the campaign AI planes. Or so it seems to me. As such, I don't fight in QC anymore except 1 on 1, to avoid picking up bad habits. And all I'm doing in QC is finding the limits of my ride's envelope. To me campaign dogfights are too different from QC's for anything to carry over from QC except the point where you'll stall trying to follow the enemy.