Wie Ein Floh Aber Oho! (Me163 Komet released)


Charter Member

At long last, the Komet takes flight!

I have uploaded it here and BorekS will be uploading it at his site as well: http://simhangar.nolimit.cz/

This is a complete package with all effects, sounds, weapons, and all other dependent files included. It can be installed into stock CFS3 or any of the expansions and is compatible with Ankor's shaders. This is the basic package. A future release will add increased functionality with Ankor's shaders.

Included are:
-Me 163B-0 (two skins)
-Me 163B-1a (ten skins)
-AI-Only versions of all skins in powered and unpowered configurations
-Low Poly B-17G for use in mass formations (two versions, one with contrail effect, and one without)
-Sample mission (two versions, one using each of the B-17 options)


Great model, but I'm getting mirror glass Daniel?


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Hmm. Do they all do that?

What shaders.xml are you using? Try a stock one. If that fixes it, you may want to try Ankor's shaders again as the same issue may have been preventing it from working.
Great model, but I'm getting mirror glass Daniel?

Found a probable cause. You look like you are using my environment effects from 2013. There is a line in the shaders.xml that is causing this.

Under the section starting with <ModelEnvironmentMap Desc="Vertex Lighting + Vertex Environment Map blended by TFactor"

That section needs to look like this:

<ModelEnvironmentMap Desc="Vertex Lighting + Vertex Environment Map blended by TFactor"
Lighting="True" SpecularEnable="[SpecularFlag]"
SrcBlend="SrcAlpha" DestBlend="InvSrcAlpha"
ZEnable="True" ZFunc="[ZFunc]" ZWriteEnable="True" ZBias="0" FogEnable="True"
AlphaBlendEnable="[AlphaFlag]" AlphaTestEnable="[AlphaFlag]" AlphaRef="8" MultiSample="True"
ColorArg10="Texture" ColorOp0="Modulate" ColorArg20="Diffuse"
AlphaArg10="Texture" AlphaOp0="Modulate" AlphaArg20="Diffuse"
ColorArg11="Texture" ColorOp1="BlendFactorAlpha" ColorArg21="Current"
AlphaArg11="Current" AlphaOp1="SelectArg1" AlphaArg21="Current"
Texture1="1" TexTransformFlags1="[EnvMap]"

The items that are probably different in your file are in bold.
Found a probable cause. You look like you are using my environment effects from 2013. There is a line in the shaders.xml that is causing this.

Under the section starting with <ModelEnvironmentMap Desc="Vertex Lighting + Vertex Environment Map blended by TFactor"

That section needs to look like this:

<ModelEnvironmentMap Desc="Vertex Lighting + Vertex Environment Map blended by TFactor"
Lighting="True" SpecularEnable="[SpecularFlag]"
SrcBlend="SrcAlpha" DestBlend="InvSrcAlpha"
ZEnable="True" ZFunc="[ZFunc]" ZWriteEnable="True" ZBias="0" FogEnable="True"
AlphaBlendEnable="[AlphaFlag]" AlphaTestEnable="[AlphaFlag]" AlphaRef="8" MultiSample="True"
ColorArg10="Texture" ColorOp0="Modulate" ColorArg20="Diffuse"
AlphaArg10="Texture" AlphaOp0="Modulate" AlphaArg20="Diffuse"
ColorArg11="Texture" ColorOp1="BlendFactorAlpha" ColorArg21="Current"
AlphaArg11="Current" AlphaOp1="SelectArg1" AlphaArg21="Current"
Texture1="1" TexTransformFlags1="[EnvMap]"

The items that are probably different in your file are in bold.

Yes Daniel, that fixed it, thank you!

The pilot model is excellent, his head even moves!


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    cfs3 2016-03-10 21-32-27-19.jpg
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Wow! Like a Flea but Watch Out!

Gecko, this is an amazing package, I have to thank you and BorekS
along with Sdsbolt, Dancat and all those other SOH gents that jumped
in (gosd, Daiwilletti, MajorMagee) and helped when Wiekniera asked:

How to change Me-163b cockpit?

LOL, just look what we got out of it!!

oh, had to change Texture0="0" (thx)
and 1 of the missions should have
'_contrails' removed from the 54 B-17's.

Flew this mission online with Winco, did I say Wow?
really something.. we both landed ok on a road
somewhere, 100 yds apart. He blasted those B-17's!
Thanks for catching that error. It will be fixed in the enhanced version.

Hadn't thought of it for multi-player, sounds like fun!
Have now got around to installing this, absolutely marvellous piece of modelling and packaging, very well done to all involved.
I like the presentation of documentation too, looks like a pay-ware package :)

I did find the long list of available a/c a bit confusing, would the ai versions be better off the list? But that's just my preference and I'll probably convert the files myself to do this.

one suggestion - the title of this thread isn't advertising the product! I came upon it by accident. Announce your work big and bold guys, it's truly brilliant!!:applause::applause::applause:
CFS3 won't rund after ME163 install

I installed the ME-163 package from the web link and followed the instructions explicitly. However, now when I attempt to launch CFS3 the splash screen for CFS3 is temporarily displayed and then disappears. Nothing else happens....CFS3 will not then run. Have tried a lot of troubleshooting but still can't get it to run.
Before I re-install CFS3 from disks and go through the 3.0 and 3.1 upgrades and the Windows compatibility process, I though I should post this in case someone has seen this problem before and can advise me how to fix it.

Regards, jellis00
A couple questions:

1. Did this happen the first time you tried to run CFS3 after installing, or were you able to fly it once?

2. Have you tried uninstalling the package? Does this fix it?

I think the most likely cause of an issue would be an error in editing the sounds or effects xml files. Are the </SoundDescriptions> and </Effects> tags at the very bottom on the last line of their respective files?
Gecko, good call.
Got together with Jellis and a few others on TS3 and his install (folders and files) are getting straightened out.
He has flown it earlier and we should be good to go......but what is this nose art we see on Y26?
It's a beauty! Thx for this great package!



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