Wierd Wellington


Charter Member
This is wierd.

I have a Wellington Coastal command bomber that I got from Regshanger.

Its a real beauty to have, however on one mission before takeoff I followed normal procedures you know: Engine start one, two. Set the flaps and brakes were released.

However she would not move an inch, even after I applied max power.

I guess she doesnt like me very much.. or she knew that the last time I flew that particular mission I was using my Lancaster bomber which met her fate at the end of a well placed Flak round and got cold feet..in this case cold wings...

Whatever you guess is as good as mine...:)
LOL, Your catching up with me now Auto. Thats the other one I recently just downloaded, but I cant say I ever had the problem you speak of. (Love the way that engine sounds!)

You have a heavy bomb load on that one? What was the payload?
Hi Autothrottlr, in cfs3 there is a trick to getting started. it is more pronounced if you are not on hard concrete.

If you throttle up with the brakes on, sometimes your wheels "dig in". In a heavy underpowered twin engined bomber, you may not be able to dig yourself out. you can try rocking by moving throttle up and down.
First off thanks for the replies.

Wyld I think it was in the region of 1000lb or 2000lb bombs, and a few smaller ones. However it was nowhere near the payload of my Lancaster that's for sure.

Dai trust me I was on concrete, but then maybe the wheels dug in somehow, who knows?

I'll definitely ask my crew to leave the mail and snacks behind...
Hello! I have the same problem with all Wellingtons without any bombloads too. It seems like the brakes could not be loosened.
Sometimes I can get out of this if I throttle up and down a few times, but I have to keep the hands of the brakes.
This is the only aircraft with this problem and I wondered that this problem haven't been fixed jet.
I searched in the settings of this plane for myself and compared with other planes of similar dimensions, but I could not find conspicuous entrys, which are extremely different to other planes.
Have anyone found a fix for this problem?
The Wellington is my favorite aircraft and I would like to roll on the airfields too with this machine, which works fine with any other plane.
I have had this problem on certain airfields. What I do is take the brakes off before starting the engines and on take off go to full power hitting the W key.
This works most of the time.
Thank you, but I have allready tried this method, and it works sometimes.
But I think, there must be some bug in the settings that could have been fixed, because no other plane has this problem.
It isn't realistic if a plane diggs into the ground on a concrete runway.
CFS3 is

not well designed to model prop thrust sometimes. it seems that to get a plane moving nearly full throttle is required while in real life not so. Not sure why but while the dry land stuff is frustrating the seaplane problem is more pronounced. You can edit the prop tables to get more low power/speed thrust but this is a very tedious task. In short not much to do about it other than learning how to edit the tables and experiment.