Wilco 737 Pilot in Command

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Does any one here use the Wilco 737 PIC with a Win7 OS ?

I've had mine for a few years now ( from my old FS2004 on WinXP although I haven't had it installed for a while ) , but I re-installed it in my sim ( Win7 OS ) and had it CTD shortly after take off.

A bit of investigating, plus an email off to Wilco has left me confused.

I asked Wilco if I could get the 737PIC for FS2004 with Win7 and they said " ... There is no such version under W7 ... ".

But in their web site it has this listed ......  
737 Pilot in Command (FS 2004/FSX - XP/Vista/7)
Regular Price: $59.24
Special Price: Excl. Tax: $27.17
737 Pilot in Command Full version including models 300, 400 & 500.
-Windows XP (FS2004/X - 32bits) + Vista (FSX - 32bits) + Seven (FSX - 32/64bits)
-FS2004 / FSX

I've searched a number of posts at the Avsim ( wilco unofficial support ) Forum and it may be possible to get it working properly.

I'm hoping that it's possible to get mine working fully with an upgrade , or to purchase a newer one, but in the meantime I'm flying it with another 2D panel.

Any help muchly appreciated.


You might try running FS9 in XP compatibility mode. Other than that, I don't have any other ideas, seeing as how I don't have the package.
Thanks for the comments.

Tom, how do I go about ".... running FS9 in XP compatibility mode .... " ?

Mine was a download , some years ago now.

Pete - open your main FS9 folder and right-click the fs9.exe icon, then choose Properties. There should be a Compatibility tab like on my pic here.