Wilco Publishing Aircraft?


Staff member
I purchased their Polaris back several P3D versions ago and loved the airplane. Just wondering if anyone has tried it in V4 and had success? I checked their website this morning and there's no indication there or at The Flightsim Store that a true V4 update is available or even being contemplated. Just curious.
I sent them an email a couple of weeks ago as I have the E-Jets Pack and wanted to know if they planned upgrades and they replied that they were intending to do the upgrades but not sure how long it would take.
Downloaded, Installed and flight tested both the LeMans and the Polaris. No anomalies, no dll's to be concerned with. All Instruments and avionics perform as they should. Good to go in V4.:jump:
Can anyone comment about their Tecnam P2006T? It looks like it has improved in many areas over the initial release and there are a few nice repaints available here.
I'm interested in picking it up since it is used by a local flight instruction group.