Hey Bill,
I have yet to do any flight tests as of yet, but visually it would appear that the FS9 version sort of missed out on some of those details you asked about.
Here is my post at Avsim:
Ok, so I purchased the Avanti II and my initial tests (I start with the model) show that some of the model issues from V1 of the FSX version are still present. The textures seem very bright (not an FSX v1 issue) (I am not using the ENB Series mod) and there seems to be some texture files or something on the inside of the passenger windows. There are also a few model errors here and there that I reported with the FSX version which were fixed in SP1 and SP2. I did not seem to have the sound issues that were preset in the FSX version or the POS INIT issue I had with v1 of the FSX offering. The VC also looks quite a bit more "toned down" texture/modeling wise as compared to the FSX version. There also appears to be less animations for the FS2004 version (only 1 pilot, no passengers in the back, no moveable sun visors, etc..). I have not checked the engine cowling and whatnot yet (I will get back to you on that).
Hope that aswers your questions, Bill.