Wild Blue Yonder


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Has anyone on this forum tried the card driven boardgame "Wild Blue Yonder" by GMT games?

I purchased this just before Christmas and I have been very impressed. You can play dogfights, bombing raids, torpedo attacks and full campaigns.

The game covers 1940 to 1944 European Air War. Most, if not all the favorite aircraft are represented, British, American, German, Italian and Russian, also Romanian and Hungarian.

Well worth a look. Reviews and description can be found at Boardgame Geek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/62230/wild-blue-yonder.
I was looking at this one yesterday:


The research behind it is extremely impressive and includes good detail on the postponed switch from HF to VHF radios during the Battle.

Have never been attracted to board wargames, especially now that the subject is covered so well in PC sims, although I dabbled in wargames with miniatures as described here...https://combatace.com/forums/topic/93120-cold-war-in-miniature/ ...and still have all my 1/300 Cold War kit in the loft.

Good god! you guys are such nerds.:biggrin-new: As a kid I had the blitzkrieg board game, always struggled to find people interested enough to play though.