Wilga Released!


The Wilga is out! Bought it a half-hour ago and just gave the 35 and 80 versions quick test flights. Beautiful, fun to fly, the power difference makes for a variety of flying styles!




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Hey mods, can you stick this now that the Wilga is out? This is just an amazingly detailed plane! And you fans of detailed engine/electric simulation are gonna love it.

Dropped down in an open spot to enjoy some rural California air..


Then took the floater up around Sausalito. The oar is an amazing addition for getting around the docks!


Oriole has a weapon against Godzilla in the form of a paddle (and even it works!) :biggrin-new:
Awesome! Thanks, Tom!

A lot of other planes are going to start getting dusty in my hangar with this one out. It's such an amazingly solid package. On my lunch break I was even able to use it as a towplane for my first glider flight!
You can buy using PayPal to process the credit card, without creating an account with PayPal.

Or, it'll be available on Marketplace once it gets through the Microsoft approval quicksand.
Denny, any chance this will be sold with Orbx? I'm not a big fan of the market place and would enjoy the ability to get all updates from only a few places.

Great looking aircraft. Looking forward to giving her a try soon.

Denny, any chance this will be sold with Orbx? I'm not a big fan of the market place and would enjoy the ability to get all updates from only a few places.

Great looking aircraft. Looking forward to giving her a try soon.


GotFriends do not appear on the Orbx Partner list, so answer is probably no.
Yeah, the only other site I've seen them sell via is Flightsim.to, and I'm guessing they won't be using them since they now have their direct site.
I'd like to buy this grasshopper, but I refuse to buy from the Marketplace anymore (updates are too slow) and I also hate having to start an account for every developer's site, so I'm afraid I'm out unless they eventually make their way to e.g. Simmarket or JustFlight :distrust:
What? No layered .psd textures? I'll pass. The plane is astounding, but I know I shall rarely fly it. Just not my cup of beverage.
