Will SIMHQ add OFF back into the WW1 forum ?

I was just there. You have to log in to see all forum now. Nothing has changed, all the posts are current....business as usual.
It'll get slightly livelier once BHAH is out
This is what I see when not logged on Brig. You'd think it would be all or nothing. So I can lurk and read ROF posts but have to log on to read about OFF. Doesn't make much sense old boy.

View attachment 59414
I see the same when not logged in except the ads :d

I posted that already in the feedback thread that 3 of 4 W.W.I forums are missing.
Yep the standard layout has changed (not for the better IMO)
Now if you are not logged in you'll only see one forum from each catagory, the one with the most recent post I believe. As ROF is the most active, that'll just about be the only one you'll see when not logged on.

The colour scheme has taken a turn for the worst too, nearly (but not quite) as bad as the scheme here :kilroy:
Great so ones that have less posts, get even less interest as no one passing even knows they are there.. sweet.
I don't know what they think they were fixing. Now it's been back up a while I have to say it looks to be a massive step backwards. I don't like it at all, it's like the BBC's "Changing Rooms", I've popped out and Lewellyn-Bowen's been in and turned the place into a French Tarts handbag.
I hope they get their act together and address some of this ****e. Placing more ads then not allowing the casual viewer to see everything doesn't make good business sense.
Tacking on an unsightly left sided menu with a bloody great add stealing forum space is not good either.
Well, apparently it got 'fixed'...this is what I saw when I went (not logged on-not even registered there):
Guys, feel free to post any of my Beta Testing combat reports from here. It's all public information, so place it wherever you like.

I don't see the ads any more either ... IE7Pro user now
But the annoying left sided menu remains