Will Streaming Affect Marketplace vs Direct Purchases?


Thoughts & Questions:

If there was a choice between buying a particular aircraft or scenery through the Marketplace or buying direct, would you be more inclined to buy it direct. My thinking is that each Marketplace purchase is going to add to the time it takes to load the sim because it needs to be streamed each time. A direct purchase is always going to be ready to go.

Would you be more reluctant to buy an aircraft or scenery that you only sort of wanted from the Marketplace because the need to stream each time? I'm already leaning this way, and we aren't even there yet.

To protect my investment I have decided to buy from the Market Place in the Sim. As long as I have access to my account I have access to what I have purchased. Given the right product if it was only available direct or an alternate market place I would be inclined to purchase but it would not be the preferred method.
That's a good point about not losing access to the purchase if something external to the sim happens.

Someone correct me if I am wrong. However, in over 30 plus years of flight simming I have never once had a problem (that I can recall) with a purchased add-on, as far as being able to download it. Now, I do keep copies of everything on a usb backup drive.

Unless I see something on Marketplace that pushes my "impulse buying" button, I always try and buy direct from the developer.
Just like John, I keep copies of all my addons, and Addon-Linker has been invaluable in helping me keep all of them organized! Very rarely do I purchase from the Marketplace. Most of the time, developers get their updates out MUCH faster than the Marketplace.
for fs24 everything is streamed so you are downloading texture files all the time.

I noticed yesterday that if you click on the liveries button for your chosen airplane and then scroll to the far right, the last option is to 'buy more liveries' which opens the Marketplace screen.
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