Will the B24 Guy CFS2 P-39 work in FS9?


charter member past
:salute:I downloaded the B24Guy P-39 Airacobra modded file from simouthouse--it is for CFS2.
I tried to mod it to fly in fs9, and my fs9 crashed at all times, no matter how each successive new mod I made had changed the a/c. I changed panel, sound folder, air file, and even AP settings in my mods. I assume now that the mdl is to blame.

If anyone has managed to make this fly in fs9, I would like to know how he did it.
My intention is to use Revev's fine skins and make one myself.

I am also thinking of reinstalling CFS2, just to do the skin.

Hello Nick, I have the AI_Overhaul_P39 running in FS9 Golden Wings without the additional mods listed by Rami. The model displays well but have not flown it yet. Are you sure the airplane is causing the sim to crash?

I also have all of the overhauled CFS2 stockers installed in FS9, and they fly just fine. There is an issue with one or two of the CFS2 gauges (Fuel Dump and Refuel) that FS9 does not like at all....but even with those gauges in place my sim never locked up.

Thanks Obio

Thanks Obio.

My a/c did fly in fs9 but the sim crashed after about 2 minutes of flight each time, with each successive mod. I know that fs9 does not like that fuel dump gauge from past experience. That is one reason I gave it another panel once or twice.
I shall check out what you say and get back to you.

Is Obio and B24 Guy the same person?

Thanks for the feedback.

By the way, the image you see as my avatar is one my paintings and shows Johnny Kent, a Canadian pilot serving in the RAF--gouache and water color mixed, original is A4 size. I would like to be able to paint such pilots for the sims but it is not possible, I think--at the most one can do the face, though the bmp's that show faces show them distorted and somewhat flattened. A pity.
If anyone wants a scan of the original, please ask by pm and I will send it.

Nick from Athens, Greece.
Jinx, you portrait of John Kent is outstanding. Thank you for sharing your artwork.


P.S. OBIO and The B-24 Guy are different people.
There's (ummm) a really nice P-39 available for FS9. It's the one crafted by Tom Wood through his old Simtech company. You can find it simply by going to Flightsim.com and file search for Simtech. Among other great creations, you'll find the P-39 listed, and some nice repaints too.

It's an older model, but really sweet. Certainly for Tom, I'll bet it was a labour of love.
Is Obio and B24 Guy the same person?

Nope. Totally different people. The B-24 Guy and I both enjoy modding and tweaking aircraft, both of us live in Ohio, but we are two distinct individuals.
