Will X-Plane Suceed FSX?

Yes P3D for compatibility reasons alone it should prosper, although LM don't seem to advertise outside our already small and dwindling community. so maybe X-Plane will usurp and take the crown. Tell me I'm wrong on the advertising, I have yet to see one.
To be fair, p3d is intended as a tool for LM military customers applications in the
first instance, (I know they have academic and developer licence too ) and not really destined for
the more casual game market. LM dont see themselves as game developers.

If we are talking about a mass marketed program, then x-plane is the only
option if world wide scenery is important to you.



Having seen the recent screenshot threads over at Avsim on both P3D and X-Plane I think X-Plane looks lots better, has better textures, cloud shadows, better dynamic shadows, water, environment, road traffic etc.. Just look at these for instance: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/428496-greetings-from-switzerland-xp10/

Edit: also GODRAYS: http://images.sundog-soft.com/sds/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/T28C_2.png

All out of the box or using freeware addons. Flight modelling is better anyway. But I have found the option GUI more cumbersome than FS, so once that is more comfortable it will beat P3D hands down. Once more developers will start on it, we will see this become more and more popular. Only thing I would miss is seasonal textures and more default airports.

Most simmers are freeloading on an academic license in any case IMO, only few state they bought the professional and developers license. ALL simmers should be buying the professional version as clearly stated in the EULA. EULA discussions have even been banned on Avsim in an attempt to deflect this issue (which is pretty crazy IMO). Everyone just seems to shut their eyes on this and hope that LM takes a tongue-in-cheek attitude to their EULA, but I think this is a bit risky - I believe that LM will be lenient as long as there are bugs being ironed out, but they could switch over to a If-you-use-it-pay-in-full anytime it suits them.

So I agree with Motormouse 100%!

I think we'll be seeing more of these sim vs. sim discussions as each simmer will be defending his/her sim of choice instead of settling in to enjoy it.

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I am looking at procurement of P3Dv2 for my gaming machine... Have to admit, it looks very tempting from the screenies I've seen. Still... I'll be flying FS9 for a good bit longer, and occasionally FSXA.
