Wim has finished and uploaded the Fokker D.XVII

It's up! I'll throw in a little extra: a beta version of De Vlijt, the base where all these babies were stationed, before flying of to Schiphol, Buiksloot, etc. on the tenth of May 1940. Do fly to the lighthouse on the north of the island!

Edit: I noticed that the wheels were somewhat above the ground. Changed that, uploaded a new version. And even a better one thanks to Dogknot who attended me to a dissapearing/invisible runway! Oh well it's still a beta!


Just uploaded it also to flightsim and simviation will probably available tomorrow.

Cees thanks for starting a new thread. Did it myself when iwas at work this morning but somehow it didn't materialise.

She is in the download section now, so let's have some fun.:ernae:

...Great plane to fly over Holland!


I'll say...great handflyer, light and easy on the controls, and absolute joy to fly. :ernae:
Here are a couple screenshots of me flying over Holland...Michigan:icon_lol:
Thank you very much Wim! :ernae:
Thanks Wim for this new Fokker and to Cess for the De Vlijt scenery, looking forward to some Dutch flying tonight ...

Cheers! Mike :ernae::netherlands:
Nice plane great sound woahhhh... now i would love to have it repainted in a "reno air races" kind of livery... I think it would just suit the streamlined shapes of the fokker very well.