Wimpy EIII or just me?


Geezer Gamer

One of the first campaign missions I was assigned on the German side started me with the single wing EIII. I was suppose to escort three Roland CII's across the line on a bombing run

For the first few miles I stayed close and my wingmen gradually faded behind me ( repeated R keystrokes to know avail)

By the time I reached the front I failed badly at providing any escort at all because the Roland's were miles ahead barely visible on the horizon

As far as I can tell I don't get to pick the plane I fly in the campaign mode ( maybe I'm wrong but have not found a way to do it)

Are the planes miss matched for the mission or am I wimpy flyer?
mm fly slower if you are the leader? :)
If you are not the leader commands won't work.

If you are not sure, occasionally use warp for a couple of seconds, and turn it off immediately, this will align all craft, and you will be in the proper place in the formation.

If you are not leading, AI can have navigation problems see the FAQ for Known issues.
I can only be SURE about Phase 1 & 2, but the features of OFF revolve around the Pilot. You weren't assigned the EIII. Your pilot flew for a squadron that untilized EIII's. If you continue with a German pilot, whose squadron flys Alb DVa's, your first mission in Campaign, you will fly a DVa

Likewise if you select a British Pilot as active. And his squadron flys Sopwith Pups. When you fly Campaign, you will be assigned a Pup.

PS . . . I can't stand the EIII myself . . it's underpowered . .it doesn't even have ailerons :ernae:
I kind of like the EIII great visibility for one thing. Technically speaking the whole wing is an aileron (warp wing). But it is a pig when it come to speed.
thanks for the input, there are a lot of choices and the squad and location really affect the action. clearly will take some exploring
Max speed for the CII is listed at 165 Km/h, while the EIII is listed at 135>150 Km/h, depending on your source. Pilot accounts of flying the EIII were very unfavourable - it was very unstable, requiring constant pilot input. It was actually a dreadful aircraft: the reason it was so successful was solely due to it's synchronised gun, the only one in the sky. The Wahlfisch, on the other hand, was used as an escort fighter - it was very fast for it's day. So yeah, you are not going to be able to keep up to a CII if it is going full out.
I had the same type of mission. the Rolands passed me up and I finally caught up with them on their way back after bnombing their target.
Thanks guys - issue noted - yes EIII is not the best escorter - we will sort it.
