Wind in weather xmls


I am looking at the jet stream in weather. It was a big factor in some BC raids and threw the bombers off course considerably. Now I see weather has speed (? m/s?) and direction, but I don't see any height indications. Are there any or can that be added?
Also looking at setting local weather boxes, I assume this is done independent of the missions builder which can only be used to indicate the parameters which are then entered into the weather xml?
You can create weather objects that have geographic bounds set. In the case of a mission that needs a jet stream, you could create a long narrow East-West rectangle that has the high speed confined within it. In this example you would have a squall line spread from Amsterdam to Berlin with 150 mph winds blowing out of the west. In testing this the winds don't seem to be continuous like the jet stream.

<Weather Name="Wind Test Mission Weather">
<BackgroundWeather precipType="HeavyRain" skyboxCloudType="BrokenClouds" MaxAltitude="2800" MinAltitude="-100" fogColor="4288332017" Windspeed="0" windDir="0">
<CloudLayer cloudfile="cloudCumulusSmall.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="40000" CloudCount="36" Lightning="noLightning" MinAltitude="600" MaxAltitude="800" fogColor="4288332017"/>
<CloudLayer cloudfile="cloudFog.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="15000" CloudCount="85" Lightning="noLightning" MinAltitude="600" MaxAltitude="800" fogColor="4288332017"/>
<CloudLayer cloudfile="CloudCumuloStratus.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="20000" CloudCount="45" Lightning="noLightning" MinAltitude="800" MaxAltitude="1200" fogColor="4288332017"/>
<WeatherObject precipType="HeavyRain" MaxAltitude="2800" MinAltitude="-100" Windspeed="66" windDir="270">
<Point Lat="N52 00" Lon="E4 30"/>
<Point Lat="N52 30" Lon="E4 30"/>
<Point Lat="N52 30" Lon="E14 30"/>
<Point Lat="N52 00" Lon="E14 30"/>
<CloudLayer cloudfile="CloudCumuloNimbus.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="40000" CloudCount="40" Lightning="Thunderstorm" MinAltitude="1900" MaxAltitude="1900" fogColor="3368601800"/>
<CloudLayer cloudfile="cloudCumulusCongestus.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="40000" CloudCount="30" Lightning="Thunderstorm" MinAltitude="1900" MaxAltitude="1900" fogColor="3368601800"/>
<CloudLayer cloudfile="CloudCumuloStratus.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="30000" CloudCount="30" Lightning="noLightning" MinAltitude="1200" MaxAltitude="1600" fogColor="3368601800"/>
Do the min and Max altitudes for the weather object work to limit the winds to a specific altitude range?
Too bad, that would have been a nice feature.

Yeah! That was sort of what I was after.

What units are speed and altitude in?

Then, looking at the xml set up

I note they start (after name) with "<BackgroundWeather" and end (for that section) with "</BackgroundWeather>"
Is that weather at the starting (and ending) point(s)?

Looking at other weather xmls, some put the ending "<Bounds>" after the coordinates and some after the relevant weather. Does that matter?

What does "</WeatherObject>" do? You can see I am not a programmer!:wiggle: More "monkey see monkey do"!
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I'm just experimenting without any direct knowledge.

The speed appears to be in m/sec as my airspeed jumps about 150 mph when a gust happens and the xml says 66.

The altitude doesn't seem to do anything, so I couldn't verify the units, but my guess would have been meters.
As a matter of interest, how did you input altitude for wind?

My mission builder dosn't like either

<WeatherObject precipType="HeavyRain" MaxAltitude="2800" MinAltitude="-100" Windspeed="66" windDir="270" MaxAltitude="10000" MinAltitude="6000">

or separating the wind out as in

<WeatherObject precipType="HeavyRain" MaxAltitude="2800" MinAltitude="-100" >
<Point Lat="N53 40" Lon="E5 00"/>
<Point Lat="N53 00" Lon="E14 00"/>
<Point Lat="N52 00" Lon="E5 00"/>
<Point Lat="N51 00" Lon="E14 30"/>
<CloudLayer cloudfile="CloudCumuloNimbus.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="40000" CloudCount="40" Lightning="Thunderstorm" MinAltitude="1900" MaxAltitude="1900" fogColor="3368601800"/>
<CloudLayer cloudfile="cloudCumulusCongestus.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="40000" CloudCount="30" Lightning="Thunderstorm" MinAltitude="1900" MaxAltitude="1900" fogColor="3368601800"/>
<CloudLayer cloudfile="CloudCumuloStratus.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="30000" CloudCount="30" Lightning="noLightning" MinAltitude="1200" MaxAltitude="1600" fogColor="3368601800"/>
<WeatherObject Windspeed="66" windDir="270" MinAltitude="6000" MaxAltitude="10000">
<Point Lat="N53 40" Lon="E5 00"/>
<Point Lat="N53 00" Lon="E14 00"/>
<Point Lat="N52 00" Lon="E5 00"/>
<Point Lat="N51 00" Lon="E14 30"/>
I've never tried the mission builder. I was just typing in a text editor, and trying it out in a Quick Combat.
I think CFS3 in general didn't like my xml choices. With the first I got an error message line 7 (which was the line in above post) duplicate attribute

With the second more complicated version, CFS3 shut down when I tried to save the mission.

What exactly did you put?
Further re weather; a reminder of where to get historical info. I don't see jet stream info but isobars give some rough ideas of lower level likely wind; and weather!



I doubt old jet stream weather is easily available as no one really knew about it.

EDIT Also just found this|ae3b7135-c2f9-4701-9576-a7d8c3eceb84/
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