Winders Scenery Manager


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Hi Folks

I am trying to get Winders Scenery Manager 4.7 to work on Windows 8. It seems to install OK but when I try to start the program I get the following errors:

Assets Path No longer ... changing to f:
Campaign Path No longer ... changing to f:
Weather Path No longer ... changing to f:
Mission Path No longer ... changing to f:

I am installing to E:\wmscenery

If all else fails I would like to try version 4.6 and install to C:\wmscenery but I cannot find this download anywhere.

I have since re-installed WM scenery Manager, this time to the default folders and still get the same errors.

CFS3 and ETO are working very well with windows 8 with no problems. I have seen it somewhere on another forum that there is a patch for this but I can not find one.

There are no mention in the system registry or any WMSenery files to any of these folders listed in the WM errors so I can only presume that the exe file has them hard coded.

Sorry to be pain but I would love to use the new seven seasons textures and scenery but this is stopping me.

The download for version 4.6 is giving a 404 error, file not found.

Can anyone provide this file for me?


If I remember correctly some one else had a similiar problem installing WMScenery 4.7 on Windows 7 some time ago, and it was solved installing the old 4.6 version.

The links in the Warbird's Archive doesn't seem to work any longer, so WMScenery 4.6 and the 4.6.6 update needs to be re-uploaded. I can do that, but I'm not sure when I have the time.
It might take a few weeks....


If I remember correctly some one else had a similiar problem installing WMScenery 4.7 on Windows 7 some time ago, and it was solved installing the old 4.6 version.

The links in the Warbird's Archive doesn't seem to work any longer, so WMScenery 4.6 and the 4.6.6 update needs to be re-uploaded. I can do that, but I'm not sure when I have the time.
It might take a few weeks....


Thanks VonOben much appreciated.
WMScenry 4.6

Thanks VonHoben

I do intend to load the new seven seasons via scenery manager when I have learnt how to use it. 4.6.6 has installed OK and it is up and running.

Many Thanks

Thanks VonHoben

I do intend to load the new seven seasons via scenery manager when I have learnt how to use it. 4.6.6 has installed OK and it is up and running.

Many Thanks


Ok, please let me know when it's working, then I'll make the needed changes to the exe.


Hi VonOben

I have the seven seasons installed now and the scenery manager is running fine. I have everything set to Auto depending on the campaign so I don't really understand how the mod you are offering to make will affect me.

Best Regards


As a wrote above "Winding Man's Scenery Manager Rev4.6" where you can select to load Spring" textures.

The edit I made only changes the GUI text, not the functionality so if you check this screenshot and remember where the Spr/Sum Opt is then it saves me a little extra work.

View attachment 91885

Hi VonOben

I understand what you are saying now and yes it is an enhancement that would be useful, looks brilliant and if you don't mind I would very much appreciate the mod.

Hi Mike

Ok, then I'll make a fix for the 4.6 version as well.
I'm not sure when I'll have the time though, but hopfully in a few weeks time. :salute:
