Hi Folks
I am trying to get Winders Scenery Manager 4.7 to work on Windows 8. It seems to install OK but when I try to start the program I get the following errors:
Assets Path No longer ... changing to f:
Campaign Path No longer ... changing to f:
Weather Path No longer ... changing to f:
Mission Path No longer ... changing to f:
I am installing to E:\wmscenery
If all else fails I would like to try version 4.6 and install to C:\wmscenery but I cannot find this download anywhere.
I have since re-installed WM scenery Manager, this time to the default folders and still get the same errors.
CFS3 and ETO are working very well with windows 8 with no problems. I have seen it somewhere on another forum that there is a patch for this but I can not find one.
There are no mention in the system registry or any WMSenery files to any of these folders listed in the WM errors so I can only presume that the exe file has them hard coded.
Sorry to be pain but I would love to use the new seven seasons textures and scenery but this is stopping me.
The download for version 4.6 is giving a 404 error, file not found.
Can anyone provide this file for me?
I am trying to get Winders Scenery Manager 4.7 to work on Windows 8. It seems to install OK but when I try to start the program I get the following errors:
Assets Path No longer ... changing to f:
Campaign Path No longer ... changing to f:
Weather Path No longer ... changing to f:
Mission Path No longer ... changing to f:
I am installing to E:\wmscenery
If all else fails I would like to try version 4.6 and install to C:\wmscenery but I cannot find this download anywhere.
I have since re-installed WM scenery Manager, this time to the default folders and still get the same errors.
CFS3 and ETO are working very well with windows 8 with no problems. I have seen it somewhere on another forum that there is a patch for this but I can not find one.
There are no mention in the system registry or any WMSenery files to any of these folders listed in the WM errors so I can only presume that the exe file has them hard coded.
Sorry to be pain but I would love to use the new seven seasons textures and scenery but this is stopping me.
The download for version 4.6 is giving a 404 error, file not found.
Can anyone provide this file for me?