Window 7 Beta



Windows 7 Ultimate (32bit, Build 7000.0.081212-1400)

Up and running. TrackIR working. Fraps working. X-FI Fatality drivers and Nvidia Driver Version working. No issues yet.

The OS is using 25% RAM at idle. Didn't expect it would be much less after seeing what a PIG Vista was. System boots quickly, takes longer to shut down than it does to start

So far I like what I see.

Gonna' see if I can get BHH installed this evening and she how she goes. Will report back.

(And yes, I did do the MP3 update, but thanks for lookin' out for me anyway;))


Windows 7 Ultimate (32bit, Build 7000.0.081212-1400)

Up and running. TrackIR working. Fraps working. X-FI Fatality drivers and Nvidia Driver Version working. No issues yet.

The OS is using 25% RAM at idle. Didn't expect it would be much less after seeing what a PIG Vista was. System boots quickly, takes longer to shut down than it does to start

So far I like what I see.

Gonna' see if I can get BHH installed this evening and she how she goes. Will report back.

(And yes, I did do the MP3 update, but thanks for lookin' out for me anyway;))



Good news!...Seems that we may soon have an O/S that would make moving from XP worthwhile!

As Microsoft have laid off their Flightsim team...Let's hope they have Fired those responsible for Vista!
The OS is using 25% RAM at idle. Didn't expect it would be much less after seeing what a PIG Vista was. System boots quickly, takes longer to shut
I was somewhat surprised at how much RAM the OS was caching, also. However, it would appear that the OS does so in response to the amount of memory that is installed. On systems that are less well-endowed, it can get along with a lot less:
I heard that it's not going to be cheap though?

So, I'll just wait for the Parky Report, and perhaps next spring :]



Windows 7 Ultimate (32bit, Build 7000.0.081212-1400)

Up and running. TrackIR working. Fraps working. X-FI Fatality drivers and Nvidia Driver Version working. No issues yet.

The OS is using 25% RAM at idle. Didn't expect it would be much less after seeing what a PIG Vista was. System boots quickly, takes longer to shut down than it does to start

So far I like what I see.

Gonna' see if I can get BHH installed this evening and she how she goes. Will report back.

(And yes, I did do the MP3 update, but thanks for lookin' out for me anyway;))



BHH installed and runs flawlessly. Better performance than I saw in XP. Could be due to a fresh and uncluttered OS install, but I'm getting ridiculously good FPS. Hovers at around 60, doesn't matter if I'm lookin' at an airfield or in the midst of a furball. Never seems to drop more than a frame or two below the V-sync lock.

Word to the wise for MS FFB2 users. You're gonna' have to install the software for the stick to be recognized. Only worked after I installed it in XP compatibility mode. Once that's done, it works great!

I must say I'm fairly impressed so far. Looks like the chaps at Microsoft really did listen to a pissed off public. One thing they have done is removed a couple of things from the default install. Outlook Express and Moviemaker are gone, but there's a nifty way to replace 'em by downloading and installing a pack called "Live Essentials". Pick the addons you want, and leave the rest behind. Nice of 'em to finally give us the option.

Takes a little while to get used to the new GUI, and there are a couple of tiny little irritants until you figure out how to customize things to your liking. Well worth the time it takes though, and surprisingly, quite painless.

There are a number of significant improvements over Vista. Too early to tell for sure, but I do believe Billy might just have a winner on his hands here.

Other than the frustration of a botched first install due to a bad DVD burn and having to sort out some bootloader issues, it's been well worth the effort. Always wanted to see what DX10 was all World in Conflict and Crysis look rather stunning to say the least. There really is a difference after looking at 'em in DX9.


Well, that all sounds very positive stuff.
What about Nag Screens?...have they been reduced?

Vista wanted EVERYTHING you do signed for in Triplicate by your Monarch / President/ Dictator before it would allow you to fart even!...Was like being in a very strict Prep School!

I hope that it's Nanny State crap has been reduced somewhat?
The once dreaded User Account Control feature is still present, although in a much more streamlined and useful iteration. They've even made it dead simple to disable it completely through the user customization options. You just go to the "Getting Started" menu and you'll see an option to "Change UAC Settings". A nice little slider there allows 4 settings ranging from "Always Bug The Everliving Shyt Out Of Me or (Always Notify)" to "Never Notify". I have mine set to "Only Annoy Me When It's Absolutely Necessary"

Then there's the "Action Center", a niftly little system monitoring utility that sits in the taskbar. It's already proven it's worth by notifying me of a chipset driver issue. Microsoft included some "generic" AHCI and RAID drivers that install with the OS. They seemed to work initially and then quit working. The vanilla Advanced Host Controller Interface driver apparently didn't like my chipset, which uses the Intel ICH9R.

The Action Center picked up the problem, gave me a nice little pop-up window with a link to the appropriate drivers. Even alerted me to the fact that I'd have to install 'em in "compatibility" mode. Did as instructed and the problem is solved. I'm thoroughly impressed by the whole experience, as it's not a problem you'd be likely to notice without actually going looking for it.

They've obviously got a bit of tweaking to do with compatibility issues, but nothing that can't currently be solved with a fair bit of ease.

I'll let you know if the system blows up this afternoon when I install some additional software ;)


Obviously you are using the evaluation version?... But does this require a Format?..Or will it upgrade XP Pro?
I'll go to Win7 when Gates either refunds me my money for Vista Ultimate or gives me a free copy of Win7 in return for Vista Ultimate.

The man and his corporation are a criminally fraudulent enterprise. Win7 already out for Beta testing and Vista still has serious issues up the kazoo.
The OS is currently available only in Beta form. No longer available for download (well not off the Microsoft site anyway).

Yes, there is an upgrade option, but it's from Vista to Win7, not from XP to Win7. I'm sure they'll allow for an XP to Win7 upgrade when the final release hits the shelves.

I wouldn't recommend (and neither does Microsoft) that you install the Beta on your primary machine. Not unless you have a completely seperate drive or partition for it. I installed an additional 500 Gig drive for the sole purpose of the Beta install, and I'm set up for dual boot with both XP and Win7.

My advice is to install it on it's own drive as opposed to partitioning the one you have. That way you won't have to worry about typing "fixmbr" and "fixboot" at all...or shouldn't

Even though it seems quite functional and very stable, there's always the risk of losing data if you install it on your everyday machine and on the primary drive. Basically.....don't do it that way.


Thanks for that Parky

Yes Siggi...Windows Vista..hmmm

Or as I have heard it called "WindowsME for the 21st Century!"