Windows 10 weirdness


Well I maid the upgrade to Win 10 during the last week it was still free. and the upgrade went pretty well. Didnt mess with my FS9 install at all, except for one weird thing. I have to unplug and replug in all my USB devices (keyboard mouse joystick pedals ect) once FS9 is up and running for them to work in the sim. Weird, I told you. Anybody else see this kind of behavior?

I just went through a fresh FS9 install on Win 10 (the PC came with 10). I found the same problem that my USB CH Product controllers did not work, unless I unplugged and re-plugged them in. But then, the next day they didn't work at all. I ended up fixing the problem by running the windows troubleshooter on each of the controllers. Haven't had the problem since. Not sure if is the same things as you (since the win 10 was no an upgrade) but may be worth a try.

- dcc
Having similar probs with my BDR (Blue-ray-recorder) drive, initially it showed up then it vanished. Tried troubleshooter, no joy. Moving SATA port worked, but only briefly, vanished again. Gotta love W10!!! (clean W10 install BTW)
