windows 10

What's Windows??? lol Let us know how you get on chaps; in time I'm going to be like Clive, hanging on to my old OS and snarling at these uppity newcomers! :173go1:
Real life got in the way yesterday, I'll give it a new try today. To top it off my W10 test machine is a low-end business laptop from 2007, if that pile of scrap metal runs CFS3 we can pretty safely conclude that there won't be issues with the new Windows.
Keep us posted , please. There a just too many really good combat flight sims out now that require Windows 7 64 bit to take a chance on this new operating system and the new gaming rig i'm starting to build now.:banghead:
Have just read that W7 support will continue until Jan 14th 2020. That's cool as I'm looking at a new PC now and it'll most likely be W7 64b.

So as long as I can still run CFS3 and WoFF at decent settings I'm quite happy, anything fancy I can do on my phone.



Now, I can't say that it ran well by any standards but that's the fault of the laptop graphics card, not the OS itself. Got around 15 fps with the same settings that give 60 with this "normal" machine. The only thing needed was installing DirectX 9.0c and after that it was just like any other Windows version. I also got confirmation for one question I've been wondering, now I know that the newly found shine also works with a Radeon - even with the ancient 3200 HD - so I have free hands for my next computer build. No CFS3-specific need to stick to Nvidia anymore.
Excellent! It always scares me when MS rolls out a new OS, never know what won't work anymore. CFS3 aside, how is Windows 10? I hope it's a major improvement on 8, which I just can't stand.
Certainly better than W8 from what little I've seen. Whereas of the previous versions Vista was little more than XP that looked like W7, W7 was basically Vista done right and W8 was still essentially W7 hidden behind an enormous heap of junk that looked just weird, this one seems to be best described as W7 that looks like W8 without all the oddities so... but I still hope they'll do something to the UI, the flat colours are a bit boring.

One thing is certain though, if the rumours are true and W10 is delivered via Windows Update to all W7 and W8 owners, I'll be turning the automatic updates off. Not that I don't want it eventually but I want to be exactly in control of the time when it happens.

I had heard that Windows 10 will be "free" for one year, and then you have to pay to update it, just like Office 365.
After shelling out around $1400 on a self built dream machine , I don't trust it to work on the other combat flight sims i want to get because it's not been tested on them and approved by the publishers like ROF,WOFF,Flaming Cliffs 3 ,Third Wire series and others i'm building this rig for.I guess it's a wait and see.
installing Win. 10 for testing CFS3 's different versions

How do i go about installing Windows 10 o.s. on my Windows 7 laptop for testing CFS3 and the different versions of it ie MAW,KOREA,PTO,ETO ... and the different payware addons ? Would like to give it a try and see if i have better luck with it than Win. 7,(gave up on adding things like Firepower and such to CFS3 in Win.7):banghead::banghead:. Maybe there won't be any hangups with this new o.s. One can only hope for the best and this sounds promising to say the least.I hope Win.10 is as easy to use as Win XP is and was. I have my laptop set for automatic updates,if Win.10 will download that way , or do i need to go to a Microsoft website to download and install Win. 10 ? Any advise would be welcome......thanks.
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Thanks for the advice

Read the small print and it sounds scary! I think i'll wait a while and see other brave souls test this new O.S.with CFS3 and it's different versions ,ie. ETO,PTO,MAW,OFF,KOREA and payware like Firepower and such. I don't want to risk a computer crash that could happen according to the so called small print i read. I know my luck all too well than to just jump in with both feet before i research this much further . Thanks for the advice as i don't have a junker PC to experiment with this new O.S. . Call me dense but i still love XP , even though it can only use 4 gigs of ram and has other limitations , it is still easy to work with and there are still some great combat flight sims. available that work perfectly and are designed exclusively for the XP O.S.,also new combat flight sims., designed , tested and required just for Win. 7 64 bit ,(like WOFF,Third Wire Production series ,Flaming Cliffs 3 and more....), just to change the O.S.for ,what it seems ,is just for the sake of change,ie.-(money/greed and probably arrogance may be the culprit ). Seems like as soon as i get comfortable with a O.S. Microsoft has to come along and change their O.S.,(some were pretty awful), over and over again. Their history of terrible O.S.'s seems to repeat itself at times,maddening!!!!:banghead: It seems Microsoft's developers/programers have to justify their paychecks ,so they change O.S.'s just for the sake of change, sometimes, in my own opinion. If the history of Microsoft's messed up O.S.'s in the past and even currently,(Win.8 is a good example), is any indication it makes me very suspicious of anything Microsoft touts as new and improved till there is more testing and approval done by several of the other,( current and upcoming), combat flight simulator software developers/production companies of Windows 10 compatibility with these sims and,of course ,with CFS3 and all it's different versions , including payware addons and all the mods.and more, before i take the plunge. Note,still haven't gotten use to the inner workings of Win. 7 with CFS3 and all the different versions/addons yet ,guess it takes a little time for someone as dense as me.:dizzy: Going to work on my Win.7 CFS3 install and mods, maybe after 5 or 6 tries ,i'll get it rite ,(just can't let it beat me !!!I'm not giving up yet!!!!) . Thanks Hairyspin for the advice and the link. Sorry for the long post i get too wordy when i'm alone at nite time.
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