windows 10


Kurier auf Stube...pauke!
Staff member
I have windows ten and the patches won't take - keep on getting error that file not found - hilfe bitte. Ignore all is good - user error
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I have seen a report that a recent update (1511?) was withdrawn and removed itself. Not all is smooth in the new OS.
The recent update was not withdrawn, only the MediaCreation Tool.
It was re-instated after a few days.

All is well, & working great.
Glad I never went to 10, why fix what is not broke..?

I:wavey: I can get it free, but I'm going to wait till all the bugs are worked out. Besides that, my rig has two HDS one win7 the other xp, I don’t know if there will be a problem with win10 having win7 up graded to 10 being compatible with xp.
Good luck waiting for MS to work out ALL the bugs since that hasn't happened yet. They even issued the last update for XP a couple of weeks after support supposedly ended because the threat was so serious and that was a decade after the OS first came out.

If you haven't installed 10 yet the current one is 1511. I have 3 computers with 10 and two were installed after 1511 came out and one before. The one before had the OS completely reinstalled as an update to 1511. The other two just had a couple of patch type updates installed.