Windows 7 and Notepad edits of CFG


Having a problem with edits of aircraft.cfg using notepad (Windows 7 64bit) - notepad seems to want to save the edit files as Text files...... is it a new feature or have I messed up my install? Thanks in advance.

Having a problem with edits of aircraft.cfg using notepad (Windows 7 64bit) - notepad seems to want to save the edit files as Text files...... is it a new feature or have I messed up my install? Thanks in advance.


Hi Ed, try moving the config files you want to alter too your desktop, alter them there then put them back into the sim, win7 64 is a paraniod piece of work and is very touchy of files in the programme files x86 folder. its best if you move your entire flightsim away from the prog files x86 folders. I put mine onto the main route directory of C: and these problems stopped.

windows 7 also moves stuff around randomly sometimes, if you can't find something go to C:\\Users\Username\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\

App Data is a hidden file

The virtualstore will have a load of stuff in it (in my case it has all the addons with installers for fs9 in it) in a duplicate location for the main location.
Use the right click "run as administrator" point. It bypasses the security junk. This is if you installed to the default x86 folder.