Windows 7

Will P3D_v4 run on Windows7 ok?

The only way to be sure is to load it and run it. Understanding that every system, even with the same OS, is subject to influences by background services running on your system, your particular system specs and whether or not the moon is in the proper phase at the time you decide to run it. One individual who says it runs flawlessly on his Win7 System is not proof positive that you will have the same experience. I understand that the outlay for the newest version is a steep price just to test it to see if it will run the way you expect it to, but you can get a refund if Win7 is not up to the task. Mine was not!
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Runs fine for me. A friend who's ancient computer got only 8FPS in FSX reports that he's in the mid-20's with P3D. I went from about 20-30 FPS to 100-120FPS. Depending, of course, where I'm flying (aka scenery involved).

As falcon said - it's really hard to say, but I think it worth the gamble.
Same here!

PMDG DC-6, not the easiest re fps, over Drzewiecki NYCX, about as demanding as you can get re fps. If this would've been a video you'd see the fps counter fluctuating around 25 fps. i7-4960X@3.60GHz; 16GB; GTX1070; W7/64 Pro.


Pretty cool ! :cool:

Expat, those who have answered that they are running Win7 and V4 is running well, or smoothly. . .take a look at their computer specs and compare those to what you have. If your specs are closer to mine than to theirs, that's why I mention it has a lot to do with the individual systems. Yes there are people running Win7 with smooth flying in P3D_V4, but they are also running much nicer setups. You be the judge!
Might try a one month subscription to test...
System Requirements – Prepar3D v4
[h=5]Minimum[/h] [h=5]Recommended[/h]
[h=5]Operating System[/h] Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit)
[N editions require Media Feature Pack]
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)
[h=5]Computer Processor[/h] 2.2 GHzQuad Core 3.5 GHz (Per Core) +
[h=5]Computer Memory[/h] 4 GB16 GB DDR4/2666MHz +
[h=5]Hard Drive Space[/h] 40 GB
(3 GB for the SDK)
M.2 or Solid State Drive (SSD) is strongly recommended
[h=5]Graphics Card Video Memory[/h] 2 GB8 GB +
[h=5]Graphics Card Other[/h] Full DirectX 11 Support
[h=5]Other[/h] Administrator Rights (for installation only)
Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2
DirectX 11
1024×768 minimum screen resolution for primary display
Thanks all. I have a i4770K CPU @ 3.50 GHz 8.00GB RAM (may be too low from what I have seen here) on a GTX 780 overclocked (factory) on W7 Pro 64 bit. Run FSX pretty well but the whole rationale of moving to P3D V4 is get better performance (taking advantage of it being 64 bit, etc).