Windows 8.1 - Help please !!


Charter Member
My old system passed away suddenly a couple of weeks ago and has now been replaced with a brand new set-up running, of course, Windows 8.1.
Over the weekend I began the mammoth task of a ground up re-build, approached with a little trepidation not being sure how 8 would handle it. So far I have encountered two issues, the first being that aircraft do not appear visually on the start screen, the second that when installing add-on scenery the dialogue box that appears at the "add area" stage will not accept the addition. (Hope I've made that bit clear).
Has anyone else experienced this and if so I would be glad to hear of any possible solutions

I've just loaded both FS9 & FSX+Accel onto a new bottom of the range laptop.

For FS9 I encountered two problems, 1) was getting the SP1 update correct for the language (My FS9 discs are French) & 2) then I found that Full screen caused the problem, so locate fs9.cfg & change the full screen=1 to =0.
As for your second problem, sorry cannot help as have not loaded any scenery.
What I did find though is that FSX works a lot better than FS9, probably due to the graphics being integrated with the mother board & hence not good for FS9.
The lack of the selection screen is a known issue. Just switch between full screen mode and windowed mode by using <ALT>+<RETURN>.

For the Add Area issue, just click anywhere within the list of areas after you've added one. That should show the new area added in the list.

Don't make more of this than it is. It's easy.

Many thanks for your reply. I have done as you suggest and success. The full screen toggle I might in time have worked out myself but the scenery addition thing I may not have!!
Once again, thanks.
Glad its worked for you. I found I had to change the fs9.cfg because if I toggled ALT+Enter, my laptop would always 'jiggle' between full screen & windowed mode & I would have to switch it off, not even the three finger salute would override it!