Hi... I am from the govt and am here to help you....
Windows 8 might the following meaningless (I run 7) but two other causes that I know of are relatively simple. First is right click on the offending notepad file and make sure attributes doesn't have read only checked. Second involved FS itself and something about the last saved flight being the one using the current aircraft. Usually selecting another aircraft the going back to the first does the trick. I often change something visual like a light to see if a cfg edit took effect too.
Only here it turns into... "Hi, I am from Microsoft and I am here to help you...."
I've been battling the permissions war and "you need permission from the administrator" since W7... and now Windows 8 (in my fancy super rig built by my son...)
It seems that MS is basically addressing multiple user computers with a company administrator...and we poor individual owners are left out in the cold...
this rig-am-a-roll of permissions... and blocking files coming from outside the network, etc. - I guess - makes sense in company networks where they want to keep
employees in line... but ... pray tell... I don't need to ask my own permission to work on files.. I AM THE FRIGGING AMINISTRATOR!!!! I OWN THE FRIGGIN COMPUTER!!!
For crying out loud... if I DOWNLOAD SOMETHING... it is because I trust the source... if I want to change attributes... it's because I want to...
If I screw up the system... so be it... I OWN IT!!!
Mr. MS.... don't try to help me... my motto is "if it ain't broke DON'T fix it... and don't re-invent the wheel"!!!
Make different DISK OPERATING SYSTEMS for institutions and don't mess with individual owners... who are responsible to themselves!
Back in the 80s... when men were men... lol... they had Window for Work Groups... (good for institutional users) and just plain Windows for regular folks...
I seems that instead of getting better they get SNAFU'ed.... probably the average programmers at MS are whiz kids in their early 20s...
whose mommies and daddies never taught them to think out of the box....