Windshield Rain Effects?

Milton Shupe

Staff Contributor
Staff member
We are finalizing details to get the AT-11 ready for beta testing. Questions for the FS9 aficionados ....

Do you want VC windshield rains effects or not?

Some have FPS issues with them, but with today's computers, maybe not.

What say you? Yes or no
I say yes Milton, but that is easy to say for me because I have a computer which can handle these effects. So perhaps it is better to listen to the people who don't have such a computer.

Maybe it depends on how heavy on resources the aircraft itself is. I do take a slight fps hit with windshield rain on my old P4 machine, but would still like to have the effect, so I think yes please.

Thanks for asking the question. A simple answer from me. Yes the rain effects would be great.

Kind regards and thanks for all your aircraft and hard work :salute:

I am running an old P4 system and I have not had any FPS issues with the VC rain effects. I vote Yes.

I'd say put it in. I belive that adding this line to the Effects section will turn it off anyway.


Edit - this only affects the 2D, not the VC.
I remember well that I used to get frustrated with running this feature. I think I will provide a lower demand option so those who can't run it will still be able to enjoy the AT-11 without the hit.

Thanks for the input. We'll need a week or so before the beta test, and then we should be ready for the release.
Thanks Milton! I wasn't going to say anything as I figured I'd be in the minority with this old ancient comp.
Absolutely yes.
Your model will live long after my computer is rust.
Good idea to make it scalable for now though.
The Rain effects, I don't care - really Milton, forgot you were modeling this Beech - looks stunning Sir! Mike :jawdrop::ernae:
Yes on rain effects. Some aircraft have great looking glass. Dirty, reflections, and such. A big thanks to the developers.