Wing42 MIA???


Was waiting to see if anyone else noticed that the Wing42 site is offline with the 404 error message. It's been like that for quite a few days now. I also wrote a note to him about a suggestion for the 247 a while back but never heard anything. When I looked over at the Wing42 Facebook page it looks like the newest internal comment I could find was from back in the Spring.

I don't check a lot of flightsim news sites and was wondering if anyone has seen anything on other sites.

It took a few moments, but it came up for me with a redirect to - but it does look like all the pages from there are gone. Their latest Facebook post was April, along with the same month for their last tweet. That last tweet reads as follows:
Good afternoon!There's currently and issue with the download links in our store. I placed the wing42 website into maintenance mode until this issue is resolved. I'm sorry for the trouble and try to get it fix asap.
