Wingmen command problem


Charter Member
Hello Guys
I have a problem and I ran out of ideas on how to solve it. I am trying to make SCW missions using MB. The problem I am having is that my wingman do not respond to my "attack" command; they do to all the other commands. I used all the suitable mission types as recomended with the same result.

I have used airplanes that I have downloaded from other sites, like the fiat_cr32_s5 from, would that make a difference!!?

I used the same aircraft and combinations of the aircraft I used in the missions in QC, and they respond with no problems.

Anybody has an idea why this is happening/or is it my computer that is the culprit?

Please help and thanks

PRang :pop4:
yes, The AI aircraft sometimes require a load out if the missions are set for interception, it sometimes works better to set them for CAP or even Recon..They tend to attack when ordered then..
I have ran into this myself..Very much a problem in missions that require your wingmen to do their jobs to complete the mission objectives..

Thanks HouseHobbit :icon29::icon29::icon29:

I understood the first advise you gave me; but did not fully undertood the whole idea. Now, I did as you suggested and :pop4: It works fine

Thanks a lot, Now I can continue with more missions

God bless

PRang :gameon: