WIP Trial Run with ETO 30lb Incendiary


Charter Member 2011

I just made a trial run with Rob's new eto_30lb incendiary. What you are looking at is the path left by a single lancaster armed with a full load of the new 30lb incendiaries.

Holy Cow:faint:

Hellfire and Brimstone, you have to remember that I was several thousand feet up when I made the drop, look at the smoke.

Bl**dy hell! I had to look twice at the screenies, at first glance I thought they were photos. Very cool indeed :).

Now that is cool. I best hurry up and finish the TOW stuff. What is the FR hit?
Single Lancaster Hitting Cherbourg


The frame rates are excellent on the order of the Firestorm.

Here is a single Lanc hitting Cherbourg. I dropped some bombs over town then hit the shipyard.

Steve those screenies are fantastic, any chance of posting a higher res version via photobucket or siimilar? :)
Steve those screenies are fantastic, any chance of posting a higher res version via photobucket or siimilar? :)


My screen grabber does not do the effects justice, also they change size and grow as they burn.

I will send a beta to Rob on just the 30lb incendiary bomb today. Maybe he can put a test up for you guys on the FTP and you guys can fly it and take a look at it,

Thank you, thank you, thank you; Rob and Steve.:kiss::kiss::kiss: (Hope you don't mind!!!) I have waited a long time for this. If clive finishes the large town facility, I think the Bc effects package will be nearly complete.:woot:
Hi Guys,

Steve fantastic work on the effects, you have out done yourself.

I just want to point out who the did the work on the Incendiary bombs, these belong to Richard Mason, and they are part of the Blenhiem weapons pack. they have always been in the ETO. what we have done is made a standalone of Richards Bombs I ftted them to the LAncasters in ETO, repainted the bombs, and then Steve has done his effects magic.

regards Rob.
:woot:Thanks Rob, I was going to ask if they would fit the Blenheims, looks like you've answered my question! Did you fit the SBCs to the Lanc or just the incendiaries?

Credit to you and Steve for getting them to look like they should.:ernae: Thanks Boys!

Hi Richard,

I fitted the container pylons as well. would you like the blenhiems in the ETO to be retrofitted with these bombs as well. I would gladly do that. (least I can do really).

by any chance do you still have the source for the container pylons? I'd like ot map them and paint them up so they fit nicely into the bomb bays.

thanks again for your ongoing support. :ernae:

regards Rob.
Hi Guys,

I now have the source files from Winjeel and will start updating the incendiary canister for the LAncaster, Blenhiem and I'm playing with fitting it to the B24's

regards Rob.