WIP- Tuskegee Reboot


Charter Member
Getting back into painting after switching over to a mac platform. I started to redo a few Tuskegee C-models for the WarbirdSim P-51, that I previously released for the Sky Unlimited package. My plan is Apache II, Topper III and Lucifer which is nearly finished.

Wow Jankees! I didn't see that from the other day. I am wondering if the textures for the fs9 are the same for the FSX model so you can use the same repaint regardless of version. I doubt it since people are still waiting for a paintkit.
Wow Jankees! I didn't see that from the other day. I am wondering if the textures for the fs9 are the same for the FSX model so you can use the same repaint regardless of version. I doubt it since people are still waiting for a paintkit.

My guess is that they are the same, as the FSX version uses 1024 x 1024 textures as well, only dds, but that is easily corrected. Want to give it a try? I'm not sure if WBsim wants me to upload it or not....
I never bought the FS9 version, so I'm not sure it will fit.
Apparently they are still thinking about either selling repaints, or supplying a paintkit, so we'll have to wait and see...
It seems the previous FS9 one found it's way to a pirate site, and you know how they are about piracy...
Meanwhile A2A has promised a paintkit for the Cub, so I'll probably be parking this one in the hangar...too bad really.
how did some of us get a paint kit and others did not who bought their plane?
I guess you could download the ds9 repaints, convert them and try it on FSX model.

I sent a request a few months ago to Warbirdsim with my order info and they send me the paintkit for the FS9 version.
I sent a request a few months ago to Warbirdsim with my order info and they send me the paintkit for the FS9 version.

As did I 4 times and nothing. Oh well. I wouldn't know where to find my darn info now.
Hmm. When I ordered the package the first week I was never giving an order number but I gave them my email address, and date of sale and that it was through paypal. It took them a week but they finally sent me my paintkit.

Hope this helps. :)