WOP P-51D Jumpseat


Charter Member
Is there anyone out there that has the talent and time to "Modernize" the WOP P-51D? Being that most of us fly our P-51's in a Modern flightsim world, I think it would be nice to have a jumpseat and modern avionics to go with it. Maybe, a clipped wing version to go bend the pylons at reno with. I've owned my copy of the WOP P-51D/H for 5 years now, and always felt the biggest downfall of the model was its inability to carry a passenger (Got a couple hot cyberchicks wanting a ride).
SO C'mon my plane choppers, get your hacksaw's out and start choppin.
I was hoping we'd see the Bomber 12th P-51 come out with a modern pilot at some point. Seeing the P-51D with a modern pilot would be a big boost for me.
I think there are some copyright issues involved here. Besides the fact that without source files there is nothing to be done apart from repainting.


I certainly wouldnt want anyone to get in trouble with A2A. In Fact, just this morning, I got a Message from Scott at A2A and he's told me a Modernized Mustang Pit is in the works. They've wanted to do this for a long time. He said they're still trying to figure out how they want to package it. :applause::ernae:
P.S. My apologies!!! Being that I know Nothing about the legal aspects of Modifying anyones Flightsim Aircraft. My Mistake for not adding some sort of disclaimer on my first post. If someone decided to do this, They would need A2A's Permission and Blessings. Our little FS world is TOO Small to go around stomping on Toes!!!