Wop2 p-51


Charter Member
Is the WOP2 P-51 Mustang by Shockwave/A2A now out of circulation? Many textures for this bird, on this site and elsewhere but no base aircraft available.
I thought about that. I have the D/H already installed in FS9. The files I have saved for use in the WOP2 P-51 are a mixture of .dds and .bmp files for use with the aircraft. Used dxtbmp plus irfanview to take a look at the composition of both texture files, their layout is not similar to that of the already-installed D/H. Running them through both programs (i.e., vert. flip/resize) does reduce the size of the texture somewhat but not to the extent where the textures can be used in the existing aircraft already installed. This looks like just another case where we'll have to wait for a reissue of the aircraft, or find some obscure place where it is available for download.


File on left is from existing WOP2 P-51; file on right is one of the add-on textures I have retained. Has been run through dxtbmp + irfanview. Both are in 1024X1024 32-bit based on original specs for texture file. Layout of objects in file is different, so no way this can be used in the D/H download. The maker of the texture file on right states, "This is a repaint for the A2A WoPII/WWII Fighters FSX update. To use this repaint you need to have the A2A WoPII/WWII Fighters aircraft installed on your machine." Am I just looking in the wrong place in the A2A site, or is this just not on their list of available titles any more?


  • sw_p51d_1_t.jpg
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  • P-51D2_t.jpg
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No, you're looking in the right place... just that the WWII Fighters P-51D isn't where it's supposed to be. Don't know why they would remove it... there are a lot of repaints for that model. I have the D/H package and when I saw what repainters were doing for the WWII Fighters version, I procured that one as well. Definite differences between the WoP D/H Mustang and the WWII Fighters version. I went back and looked at both.

I went over to the "pilot shop" at Flightsim and the WWII Fighters P-51D is no longer in the list of hosted A2A/WoP models for FS9. Neither is the original P-47 Thunderbolt package which included the contra-prop version of the XP-72 Superbolt.

Ah yes. I have the WWII Fighters P51 and when it was made FSX native, the maps changed quite dramatically. A new PK was issued and a lot of new paints came from it. A subsequent update to WOP3 changed the maps again:dizzy: I think I still have the FSX conversion knocking around but I'm not sure if I still have the original WWII Fighters version. Will have a look to see what I can find;)
When you are able to find the original FS9 version of the WOP2 P51, here are some useful files.

The original WOP2 P-51 should be update to V1.2 first. The update can be found here: https://a2asimulations.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=5247

The file to update the FS2004 version to the native FSX version can be found here : http://a2asimulations.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=14989

John "Bomber_12th" Terrell has made an incredibly detailed paintkit for the FSX model, which was used as base for many beautiful repiants.

That can be of some interest .....