Working on a little project to get me motivated again


Kurier auf Stube...pauke!
Staff member
Has anyone made a version of CFS3 (like WOFF) that deleted all the original planes missions etc and just added the files they needed and not have any of the original files? I have started to do this and deleted the missions, facilities if it calls for a plane and the plane is not there it just doesn't display, so no issue there. I know that in the spawns files there are many instances when specific planes are called, will get to these. The intro I think has a reference to a plane or two, but any pointers would be helpful. :dizzy:

Since the WOFF folks did it feel it shouldn't be too cumbersome....maybe :banghead:

I searched the install and found that the planes are mentioned in a few places. One in the spawns - not too many like bodenplate, fraggin, vampire, and nazaire. Often in the animations and also centrally in fortress europa - in the campaigns folder. So I am going to steadily delete/replace the names of the planes in there with the ones I am using and if all is good will get to where I want to be. I never thought it was ok to have say the stock planes in the newer addons. So......
Interested to see how it goes as it would be nice to get rid of stock aircraft as a necessity. the idea rings a bell from the past though.
obviously in the AppData/uisel.xml pathway, but also the Missions/frontend.xml pathway. Some installs have a copy of the uisel in the root of the install, probably a personal preference thing. There are also facilities for stock ships and aircraft, I don't tend to have many in my installs.

What are you going to do about vehicles? I had pondered the idea of just using upgraded vehicles rather than stock, just need to ensure they have the right picktypes to be called in the ground spawns, frontline spawns, etc.

Did not think of the %AppData% location. I searched the main folder and found what i believe are the instances I need to remove. Unless it is hard coded into the dll or exe files we will see. Vehicles....hmm now you are talking a bunch of work, I think. If i can get the planes to work then maybe onto other stuff. If the WOFF folks did it so we should be able to as well.

Ok, this is where I am-

  1. Deleted all aircraft entries (Keyobjects line) in animation files that referenced stock planes and left just one - p_47d_25 (and p47 since alias sound files),
  2. Deleted all missions (except training as they reference the p47),
  3. Edited the fortress europa to have only the p_47d_25 in it,
  4. fired up cfs3 -


Only one plane to be selected the p_47d-25 and the other p47 (sound file) and a plane i added - German. Went to select aircraft and only Germany and USA were available. So now I will slowly add aircraft and then revise the %AppData% files and see. Which files can I delete in the %AppData% - the ones cfs3 makes each time it fires up?


Will replace the p_47d-25 references with a new plane, delete the %AppData% files in the Microsoft folder/Combat Flight Simulator .....

Let you know later on.
I don't know how the AppData files are regenerated. But I was only thinking of the references to stock aircraft in the uisel. Sounds like an interesting exercise, NachtPiloten!
None of my AppData have a P47 as I have changed all of them in QC when I have started up. I assume it's not needed there and can be substituted through notepad editing.

Spawns. Not really so many in the stock CFS3 which I assume is all that matters.

I assume all can be edited out/replaced in any campaign.

The problem IIRC when this was discussed many moons ago was that at least one stock aircraft had to be there (hard coded) and I forget if a work around was found. Ted seems to have worked out that just having the p_47d_25 is sufficient. Still, if one could even get rid of/substitute that, as in WOTR, it would be better.

BTW as far as I can tell, every single iteration of CFS3 seems to have the P47, inc. MAW.

Ok, added a bunch of planes, effects, plylons, effects, etc. kept the p47 and all seems to be fine. Cross fingers no crashes... So maybe?:a1310:
When you say you have added a bunch of stuff; what to? i thought you were just deleting stock stuff? Do you mean 'replaced'? PS Note your Blitz purchase!:wavey:

Added a bunch of 1939-1942 (early) planes - no dayfighters. Will continue to play along. Next step is to delete the unneeded pylons then we start adding new global layers ala Mongoose:jump: Want to make a addon for 1939ish until March '42 for nightfighting -only. This period did not rely heavily on AI radar but ground based radar and searchlights. If Steve can get the AI radar on all three axis then on we'll go! Once tested will make the stand alone available to folks.
Added a bunch of 1939-1942 (early) planes - no dayfighters. Will continue to play along. Next step is to delete the unneeded pylons then we start adding new global layers ala Mongoose:jump: Want to make a addon for 1939ish until March '42 for nightfighting -only. This period did not rely heavily on AI radar but ground based radar and searchlights. If Steve can get the AI radar on all three axis then on we'll go! Once tested will make the stand alone available to folks.

What I have not done is look at British radar other than whatever Chain Home Radar etc., that Clive and co may have done for the BoB era. I will have to check the gsl on that. Also I imagine searchlights and AA would have to be added to appropriate places in the gsl. I could have a look at that over December but it would help if someone has data on radar, AA, and searchlight placements in England during Oct 1940 - April 1941 at least.

I need to just fix a few bugs in the vc. Hey - would you do a Strirling pit - I know the exterior is not 100% yet but.......
great news on the Beaufighter! Looking forward to it.

sorry, not enough free time to work on the Stirling pit right now.Too much going on but I do hope you get a chance to finish it.

I have an updated beta on the AI radar test if you are interested in seeing where I am at with it.
