World of Warplanes

There is also "World of Tanks", and "World of Warships". The final one is "World of Carriers"
though I dont understand why that couldnt have just been included in the "World of Warships".
cfs3-pto- pearl- firepower - eto-maw

you cant beat these monthly and yearly upgrades ......why - cause you take control of the exapansion and the addons and the whole system of playing ....yes a kick ass system lends to more relaisim with graphics, and game play

i , i know jack s(*&(&* , have even fiddled with the assets effects - and got a real look that rocks any imho

what you have located is fun arcade somewhat and no control on the outcome or look really yes ,

theres also these two

tks for tip ... risk of loosing my spot...but then again my username here is different....I'm in beta.

Think Call of Duty in an airplane, no realism in flight dynamics or damage boxes. It's a fun PvP only game at this point, but not a simulator.