World Records Galore, in a Van's RV 4! (MSFS)


In the 1990s an Aussie country boy, Jon Johanson, dreamed of becoming a pilot & visiting Oshkosh. He obtained his PPL, CPL & ATPL, built a Van's RV-4 & flew it to Oshkosh, & around the world - twice. Along with other flights in his RV-4 he achieved over 30 world records. In this video we follow his journey in MSFS from Australia to Oshkosh. Hope you enjoy. Cheers.

Awesome story! Thanks for sharing! Having been to Oshkosh many times, including again this year, it always amazes me at the pilots from around the world that manage to fly their aircraft to the convention. I can't remember if it was this year or last year (they start to blend together after a while!) but someone flew into the show all the way from South Africa. Amazing!