WOW! Found something cool in ETO 1.40


Charter Member
Okay I am slow sometimes, needless to say.
Was building mission for the Hampden today in ERA 2 BOB..
Thenplaced the mission in ERA3 1943 and discovered the airbase at ACC_Swinderby 41-42 (Screenshot 1)
Is different then the airbase ACC_Swinderby 43 (Screenshot 2)
Wow! this is too cool!


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    ACC_Swinderby 41-42.jpg
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  • ACC_Swinderby 43.jpg
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There were a few airfields in the install that change over the eras but not many, not sure that swinderby was one of them. Could be an error Owen!
Just looked in the ACC_Airfields folder
'And found 4 different Swinderby folders
Swinderby 1943
Swinderby 1944
Swinderby 1945
The screenshots were from two separate/different ETO installs.
The 41-42 is from the (Virgin) ETO 1.40
And the 43 is from my ETO advanced..
I will try this in the (virgin) ETO 1.40 set up and see what happens..

Just tried it in My Virgin set up ETO 1.40
and it changed also. from the 41-42 into the 43 airbase.
From BOB to 1943 Eras
Saw several folders in the ACC Airbases folders that had additions from 43-44-45 Years..
I wrote down several to try out..
And see what happens..
Oh yea!
Thanks for the heads up, I am learning somnething I didn't see before..
WOW tried several, they all changed that had the extra folders for the 43-44-45 folders

Dishforth (screenshots) Changed from 41-42 to 1943 as did the others with the extra folders.

This is Too Cool!! Never noticed this before..
And there are many that do this. Oh yea!

Should have realized this sooner..


  • Dishforth 41-42.jpg
    Dishforth 41-42.jpg
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  • Dishforth 43.jpg
    Dishforth 43.jpg
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Whilst Pat and Frosty produced the custom masterpieces of individual airfields for ETO - each one taking untold hours of labour - I plodded along using generic copies to try and show more realistic representations of the hundreds of airfields that made Britain akin to an 'unsinkable' aircraft by 1945.

Many pre-1942 airfields will have grass flying surfaces whilst these and new builds were given hard runways as the need for all weather capability and heavier aircraft required in the later eras. With 1943 comes the friendly invasion of our American cousins with the USAAF allocated stations having the facility files adapted to show US aircraft, vehicles etc. Some airfields show little change between eras, possibly a change in the type of aircraft at dispersals as their roles changed but their inclusion allows the simmer to customise each one so those with skinning skills could show the correct coded aircraft for the base at that time rather than the generic ones included in the facility file. Post D-Day and the transfer of the 9th USAAF to continental Europe a number of the 1945 era bases show their reversion to an RAF role.
Whilst Pat and Frosty produced the custom masterpieces of individual airfields for ETO - each one taking untold hours of labour - I plodded along using generic copies to try and show more realistic representations of the hundreds of airfields that made Britain akin to an 'unsinkable' aircraft by 1945.

Many pre-1942 airfields will have grass flying surfaces whilst these and new builds were given hard runways as the need for all weather capability and heavier aircraft required in the later eras. With 1943 comes the friendly invasion of our American cousins with the USAAF allocated stations having the facility files adapted to show US aircraft, vehicles etc. Some airfields show little change between eras, possibly a change in the type of aircraft at dispersals as their roles changed but their inclusion allows the simmer to customise each one so those with skinning skills could show the correct coded aircraft for the base at that time rather than the generic ones included in the facility file. Post D-Day and the transfer of the 9th USAAF to continental Europe a number of the 1945 era bases show their reversion to an RAF role.

Hi Gordon,

My sincere apologies, I'd totally forgotten about all that work that you put in with your Global Layers! :icon_redface:
Wonderful stuff and never done in any other flight-sim afaik.

To my shame I rarely fire up the ETO anymore, about time I put that right.

Always nice to see you posting, we miss you around here.
I have some new airfields in the pipeline btw, perhaps we can tempt you back?

Whilst Pat and Frosty produced the custom masterpieces of individual airfields for ETO - each one taking untold hours of labour - I plodded along using generic copies to try and show more realistic representations of the hundreds of airfields that made Britain akin to an 'unsinkable' aircraft by 1945.

Many pre-1942 airfields will have grass flying surfaces whilst these and new builds were given hard runways as the need for all weather capability and heavier aircraft required in the later eras. With 1943 comes the friendly invasion of our American cousins with the USAAF allocated stations having the facility files adapted to show US aircraft, vehicles etc. Some airfields show little change between eras, possibly a change in the type of aircraft at dispersals as their roles changed but their inclusion allows the simmer to customise each one so those with skinning skills could show the correct coded aircraft for the base at that time rather than the generic ones included in the facility file. Post D-Day and the transfer of the 9th USAAF to continental Europe a number of the 1945 era bases show their reversion to an RAF role.

I feel like a idiot, for not taking notice of this sooner..:banghead:
Thanks to you all for this wonderful expansion.
Always finding something new..
:applause: :applause: :applause: