WOW Old CFS3 files what a wild sight


Charter Member
One of our brothers here asked me to find the original Tigermoth files from years ago..
And as I started looking into the old CFS3 files from 2002-2003-2004 I realized how far we have come..
Found the first uploads of the AV aircraft, Pat's, Nigel's Natchpilot's early work..

and aircraft I once had loaded,
To name a few..

It looks like the main run on the started 2003-2004 for CFS3
AVH The isoliti4gatti and GC folks were up and running..
The 46th group
And the Battle of France W40 group..

The earliest files I found was a RCAF Skin for the stock P-51 2002 might be the first CFS3 file..
so many wonderful developers appeared in 2002-2003-2004
Many names from then
Jean-Marie MERMAZ
Mark Rude
Bill Sponge
[FONT=&quot]Josh "Stonewall" Stuart
Dirk Verbeek
Corrado La Posta
Giovanni "Nanni" A. Cignoni

Some are still with us some have moved on,
and Some have joined the many CFS folks in the skies in heaven..
Thanks to all these men for there work in the early days..
Speaking of which, we need to get the archive uploaded to our main library. I've got Betas, Maps, and Nose Art saved, and will try to get them up soon.
Agreed, HH, how far the advances have been made :applause:

Early threads were all about how to skin an aircraft, how to make an AI/stand alone aircraft, etc. And scenery placement was a black art.... funny how simple it is when using the proper MS tool for making the .lib file....

Just flying ETO recently, some of those amazing new effects we take for granted and expect on new aircraft models - lights, wingtip vapor effects, all the LODS and damage effects and on and on...

Still nothing like the fun of causing havoc with an early Bill Sponge driveable tank - or those Era 1 missions using a French armored car with a souped up non-spec cannon.....:tgun2:
For goodness' sake don't download any of mine from back then unless you have a highly developed sense of humour! It's dreadful rubbish, the lot of it! I don't even have most of it installed any more.

But it's true there are a few odd bits of other people's work that are worth picking through...
Very interesting: a big development project; shame some expertise is no longer involved...

I often gasp at what folks can work out at home.
Many of the 'Masters,' as Owen calls them, moved away from CFS3 after MAW came out - some, such as Mathias and Alessandro of the GC team, went over to FSX, while the AvHistory team went to SF2 before calling it a day. Others just dropped out of sight... MAW was such a huge project that in the end, we all got completely burned out.
Nigel, Nothing of your work I ever considered Rubbish!!
Still using your early work in my set ups!!
:applause: :applause: :applause:
I am grateful to the Masters for all of this..
Many Who have gone from the early days I own Much too..

I is a real pleasure for me to look at all of this again, and I have reloaded several items I removed in the past
(Space needs, on small Hard drives in the past)

If I had the time(years) I would go into the 1000 CD's I burnt over the years downloading this and organize it all..
But that would be a Monumental task..