Flew around a bit last night and all I can say is wow - I had Storm weather at Lee Vining near Yosemite, and the weather and lighting - just simply wow! Surprisingly good on framerates, although my old machine is struggling a bit with cities, its beautiful in the countryside.
Its going to take a while to get used to the controls, and so far I've only landed a couple of times having been flying in VR for a long time, its very tough trying to get used to a 2D screen again!!
Has anyone managed to port an old mdl into the new sim?
Might give it a go this weekend just to see.
Its going to take a while to get used to the controls, and so far I've only landed a couple of times having been flying in VR for a long time, its very tough trying to get used to a 2D screen again!!
Has anyone managed to port an old mdl into the new sim?
Might give it a go this weekend just to see.