

Flame On!
I ordered my copy of Phase 3 BHaH on Friday, January 30th. The Missus told me that to pass some of the time until it gets here, why don't you do some of the stuff that you've been telling me you were going to do all these months. So I thought "Why not?" I worked on the "Honey-do" list all weekend and got 95% of the list complete. I was taking a break, having a cold one, when I saw the mail girl stop at the mailbox. I walked out and waved like I always do, and while I was walking to the mailbox I was thinking, "I know there's nothing in there but bills, but I gotta check anyway." I got to the box, opened it up and there was a slim cardboard box, about the size of a DVD case, with the return address "Avangate". I thought "No way! No freakin' way! The gods of USPS and flight sims have smiled on me!" YEEEEEHHHHHHAAAAAA! It came over the weekend! OFF to the front! SEE YA!

I ordered mine on the 23rd, and still not a dicky bird. Still, it's nice to see somebody get there's within a normal time span. Clearly yours DID get out within "24 hours", unlike those of the majority.

I just asked my wife how long stuff takes to get here from Japan on average (she's Japanese, her mother's always sending stuff) and she says four days.

Watch from Malaysia in three days, and that was just after xmas when the backlog was still being cleared.

A smock I had sent from the US a couple of years ago, cheapest shipping they did, five days.

I have never, ever, had to wait for something for this long from ANYwhere before.
Mine was acknowledged on the 16th January. Still no sign.
They've got till tomorrow and then i'm reporting a mislaid. lost or stolen and demand a replacement.

Another UK frustrated customer.
Mine was acknowledged on the 16th January. Still no sign.
They've got till tomorrow and then i'm reporting a mislaid. lost or stolen and demand a replacement.

Another UK frustrated customer.

Avangate expect us to believe that a whole bunch of discs, sent on different days, have been held up by "the postal system" and/or "customs" in multiple different countries around the world.

I believe they know what they can do with that baloney. For whatever reason they have simply not been sending the initial orders for days or even weeks after they received them. One or two seriously delayed orders, sure, it happens. But tens of them?

Where are these discs actually being sent from by the way? The USA?
I don't know what happened or why it was so quick. I wasn't expecting it for at least a week or more after reading about the time it took for some others to get it. BTW, it came from Mountain View, California.

I don't know what happened or why it was so quick. I wasn't expecting it for at least a week or more after reading about the time it took for some others to get it. BTW, it came from Mountain View, California.


What's most likely happened is that after a couple of weeks of being flat-footed they've finally got their act together and are dispatching orders in a timely manner.

Stage-2 for you now, find out if your disc is functional.
Tomorrow is my 12th day waiting. I wrote Avantage today, that I did not received the DVD till today, and they will check what happend to my precious.

*tipping fingers on the table*:faint:
What's most likely happened is that after a couple of weeks of being flat-footed they've finally got their act together and are dispatching orders in a timely manner.

Stage-2 for you now, find out if your disc is functional.

It's been a dream! I put the disk in, went to drive D, hit OFF V1.0 and it did the rest. It even brought up the CFS3config and it was set with the same settings I used in Phase 2. I didn't uninstall anything, I just installed over Phase 2 and everything went like clockwork. NO PROBLEMS! I went to QC and got my first kill. My congratulations to the OFF team on a job extremely well done! I have only touched the tip of the iceberg, but from what I've seen so far, I'm in for the ride of my life! Thank you and congratulations guys!

Guys we know you are anxious to get the DVD - but please keep calm no one is trying to "trick" you.

It is also annoying for us that not everyone gets it immediately, but most people they get it within the stated time on the website.

Estimated arrival time is between 4 to 7 business days however please allow up to 10 business days"

BTW this does not including the day you order.

Local worldwide PO issues DO cause delay and sometimes yes customs too (as WM says it's SIX WEEKS for him no matter what any one says ;)).

Once a few people gather waiting it sounds bad but most people have received it fine within the specified time.

Also just for the record, we have had only had nine duff DVDs so far, and I think only about 6 people or so mentioned it here.

FB yours is about 11 business days now so yes please contact them soon.
just wanna say guys, i ordered mine on the 23rd of jan and received it today so it took 10 days for me.

im in the uk.
Congratulations - I feel freally happy for you! And hope, mine will work as carefree as that, off course.
But I still have to wait; I haven't even ordered yet; the account is still "red", a customer had promised to pay a big bill, but again postponed it (not to the never-never, I hope!)
But I think, I can order next Monday, and I am waiting for this "dream-come-true" like a child for Christmas. I'll also get me TrackIR then, and a better joystick and maybe even peddals. My friends say, I'm crazy, but this will be, what I've been dreaming of for 10 - 15 years now.
Cheers. Olham

PS: yesterday on P2, I had 3 sorties (Jasta 15, June 18), and that was a black day for Camels - altogether, I shot down 7 of them, plus a single hunting S.E.5a - what a day! (all settings most difficult)
It's been a dream! I put the disk in, went to drive D, hit OFF V1.0 and it did the rest. It even brought up the CFS3config and it was set with the same settings I used in Phase 2. I didn't uninstall anything, I just installed over Phase 2 and everything went like clockwork. NO PROBLEMS! I went to QC and got my first kill. My congratulations to the OFF team on a job extremely well done! I have only touched the tip of the iceberg, but from what I've seen so far, I'm in for the ride of my life! Thank you and congratulations guys!


Jolly good egg, what what! :)