Flame On!
I ordered my copy of Phase 3 BHaH on Friday, January 30th. The Missus told me that to pass some of the time until it gets here, why don't you do some of the stuff that you've been telling me you were going to do all these months. So I thought "Why not?" I worked on the "Honey-do" list all weekend and got 95% of the list complete. I was taking a break, having a cold one, when I saw the mail girl stop at the mailbox. I walked out and waved like I always do, and while I was walking to the mailbox I was thinking, "I know there's nothing in there but bills, but I gotta check anyway." I got to the box, opened it up and there was a slim cardboard box, about the size of a DVD case, with the return address "Avangate". I thought "No way! No freakin' way! The gods of USPS and flight sims have smiled on me!" YEEEEEHHHHHHAAAAAA! It came over the weekend! OFF to the front! SEE YA!