WW I question ?


Charter Member
Looking to get back into some WW I action. What sim is the best in your opinion ? Thinking about upgrading IL-2 '46 BAT to the full install-(covers WWI to today),but not interested in jets. Also thinking about WOFF BHaH II . Does anyone have it and is it worthwhile ? Really interested in single player mode. See lots on it on their FB page and the graphics look really nice. Have a mid-range pc. Will BHaH run ok on it ? Interested since it is based on CFS3.What would be another i should consider ? Thanks for any advice on this off topic thread... Regards,Scott
For WWI single player sims, WOFF is really the only one worth considering. The others barely give single player a second thought and cost more to boot. WOFF BHAH II is slightly more demanding to run than the earlier version, but I think it would run fairly well for you at mid range settings.
OFF2 never did run well on my systems way back then and I must admit OFF3 was a bit of an disappointing. Maybe because at that time ROF was very promising and just sets the eye candy very high. Like FS2020 does now.
WoFF is something complete different breed, if running only on a monitor and do not care about mp, its the WW1 way to go. Its immersive, made with lots of love and respect.

Unlike Flying circus from 1C, its very sterile and nothing more than an cheap ROF swap job. After 10y of ROF I would expect more than this uninspired product from Uglymedia. There is an separate campaign mod, thats done by Pat Wilson, but unlike the WW2 version its WW1 version is full of bugs. And unlike PWCG for RoF it can not be integrated ingame.

The only reason for me is that FC does have VR and sorry to say but VR is for me become a must. I can tell you as soon there is WoFF-VR I’m sure deleting the whole FC.

My advice go for BH&H2 version that is btw now on sale.