WW1 SIM Question


Charter Member
I know this is for CFS3 but i have a question about Rise of Flight WW1 simulator. Is it worth my time? What is the latest release?
I tried it a little, didn't appeal to me much. When I want to fly WWI I fly Wings Over Flanders Fields.
Sixstrings, i already answered your question about the latest version in the "Rise of Flight forum". The latest version is 1.033c, however the question is not relevant as Rise of Flights updates itself to the latest version/patch when you start up the game.

I think nobody can judge for you whether it is worth your time, as we all have our personal expectations and preferences. The graphics from Rise of Flight are absolutely stunning. It is a real WWI flightsim and therefore the aircraft are difficult to fly. I can't really compare with "over Flanders fields" as it is too long since I had that installed. However like for instance Cliffs of Dover and IL2, Rise of Flight is not as "open" as over Flanders fields. You get what you buy and there isn't much room to modify, except for the textures.


Hi All,

Hi Sixstrings, As others have mentioned you can download RoF and play a limited aircraft version for free. that way you can compare for yourself.

For my part I love Flanders Fields and it will always be installed until PC's wont support it any more, but I also enjoy playing RoF just as much. both sims have their strength's and weakness's. If you do try RoF be patient it takes a while to get used to all the commands and setting up individual aircraft. but once its all done, its a nice game to play.

regards Rob.