I always enjoy these videos of yours, Frank, and they leave me inspired to fly in areas of the world I hadn't previously thought of.
Speaking of Dobodura, PNG, AirCorps Aviation in Minnesota just recently completed the airworthy restoration of the Dakota Territory Air Museum's Pacific Theatre combat-vet razorback P-47D-23 Thunderbolt
42-27609, which was recovered from Dobodura, where it had been abandoned in late September 1944. Although unconfirmed, it would have had to have served with the 35th Fighter Group, and possibly 348th Fighter Group. It's currently at the paint shop being painted as Maj. Bill Dunham's P-47D-23
42-27884 "Bonnie" of the 460th Fighter Squadron, 348th Fighter Group (a unit that
42-27609 may have also been assigned). It is already scheduled for a few airshows this summer, including Oshkosh and Warbirds in Review.