WWI Planes


Charter Member
Hello. Does anyone have some suggestions for WWI planes, freeware or payware, that could be added to my CFS3 installation? I bought the WOFF addon a while ago which, though a great
product in and of itself, takes much too long (to me), to get through all the loading screens and actually fly a mission. Just wanting planes to add to QuickMission or to create missions with.

Hi IIRC there are some available for download right here at SOH. Maybe under German aircraft? Possibly by Nachtpiloten? Pfalz?
Nobody else? This forum doesn't seem to be as active as it used to be.
Anyway, thanks Daiwilletti. I'll check out what you mentioned.

A long time ago I turned the BHAH version I purchased into a CFS3 WWI aircraft only install to avoid all the interface delays because I never really got into the campaign features they added all that much. I simply wanted to fly some QC with WWI aircraft like I did with Phase 2 and 3 back in the early days.

I have WOFF UE now and almost never fly with it because firing it up properly takes too much effort for the limited time I have available for hobby flying.
some others

In case you haven't already got them

Fokker Eindecker http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?s=&catid=84&nameid=&sort=d&page=1&pp=20&keyid=7529

Fokker DR-I http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforu...tid=84&nameid=&sort=d&page=1&pp=20&keyid=6726

Zeppelin : http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforu...tid=84&nameid=&sort=d&page=1&pp=20&keyid=5893

There 's a Bristol F2B here https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/fslib.php?searchid=65941227

or search for rbf2bv1.zip

Curtiss Jenny : https://simviation.com/1/browse-Aircraft-90-17

Blériot XI : http://bleriot11.pagesperso-orange.fr/CFS3.htm

Aeroplane Heaven have release freeware Fokker Eindecker and DH-2, got a sopwith pup too but can't find any link at the moment

I enjoy OFF BHaH and is fairly quick to start up. Play WOFF-UE very rarely as i'm into WWII mostly. Also play FS-WWI and IL-2 '46 BAT and find them both enjoyable. IL-2 '46 BAT is great as it covers WWI to the modern age very well with over 1500 aircraft to choose from,(70 gigs large), and tons of maps and missions. CFS3 is mostly lacking in WWI aircraft except OFF and WOFF.Your best bet is to import aircraft from OFF BHaH and use them but i haven't tried that approach yet but i think it can be done. Regards,Scott