X-Plane 10 addons in X-Plane 11


Charter Member
Ok, soo, just ran more tests...
SkyMaxx Pro 3.0 works
Weather Connector works
NOAA weather works
XFMC works
XAcars loads in. ( havent tested it yet and wont be able too till i have somewhere to fly )
XAviation products register.
In cockpit glass reflections on payware DC-8-61 are a bit intense..
More coming later as i do more research.
Glad to hear it's working for you. Mine is single digit frames and stutter/freezes on an i7 and gtx970. Can't even test out anything when it won't run. Luck of the high dollar software draw I guess. Amazing how it works for the beta preview vids but public release is problematic.
Saw this over at AVSIM...

Beta low fps?
Try disabling threaded optimization under Nvidia control panel
Finally.....progress. Held my tongue just right. I had already made the threaded optimization to off but was bottlenecking elsewhere. Got that sorted and now have a platform to work with. Now to see what stuff will work scenery and aircraft wise.
also dont forget to set the power mnagement to performance in the NVidia control panel under 3d settings. NVidia has a habit of throttling the power too your gpu, which slows things down.. discovered this with xp10.

On a related note: My GPU is bleeding edge; a GTX 1070 water cooled job with 8 gigs of ddr 5, but my cpu is nearly 7 years old; a phenom II X6 at 3.1 ghz. This has shown me XP in a way that standard setups just dont see.. The division between CPU and GPU is drastic, and visual performance relies totally on getting the two sides set up to cater to their weaknesses.. The 1070 is a beast, so textures, objects and all things gpu related I can max out without an issue, but the cpu is another story. At 3.1 ghz, it barely makes minimums. barely ( and even that ids optimistic ), so all my settings that rely on the cpu have to be lowered. You can easily tell which settings rely on which part of the machine by simply hovering your mouse over the slider button in settings and reading the tool tips. As is, I get horrible frame rates, but my animation is smooth as glass and the appearance is outstanding..